Thursday, March 10, 2011

Letter Of Non Extention Of Employment



Roma, 10 Marzo 2011. Il Coordinamento Salviamo L’Ospedale Santa Lucia esprime soddisfazione per l’interrogazione presentata dall’On. Anna Teresa Formisano al Ministro della salute e a quello dell’economia e finanza sulla situazione della Fondazione Santa Lucia. La dettagliata interpellanza ripercorre tutte le vicende legali e politiche legate all’ospedale e sottolinea la gravità dei decreti licenziati dalla giunta Polverini. Tali decreti cancellano la riabilitazione e la cura per i pazienti colpiti da ictus e da malattie degenerative. As coordinator suggests that the competent ministers to meet as soon as this interpellation to the Foundation acknowledging the role of specialization in which years of work that has been conquered and implement policies to safeguard this heritage of excellence, avoiding closure and giving guarantees for workers with disabilities and their families.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Match Kundli Online

Sausage roll with Parmesan and artichokes friarielli

As every year the study where he worked Roberto (my husband) is celebrating Mardi Gras in the lunch break, everyone brings some food, I touch the talk, but this year I added a roll stuffed with sausage and friarielli (it is a typical Neapolitan vegetables which is a few months per year) ... everyone enjoyed!


for the paste to roll

700 grams of flour 220 ml water 1 yeast

1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons olive oil
olive oil 250g potatoes 1 egg

for the filling:

5 6 bundles of pork sausages

oil garlic (1 clove)

salt in a bowl or the bowl of food processor or in a planetary pay flour, mashed potatoes, extra virgin olive oil, salt, egg, crumbled yeast and add almost all the water (depending on the flour and potatoes), stir, pour more water if necessary .
Mix until dough is smooth and homogeneous, let stand one hour. Meanwhile prepare
friarielli. Clean and wash them very well. Take a pan
large, nonstick, add oil, finely chopped clove of garlic and add 1-2 hot peppers (depends on your taste) turn on the gas and let it cook for a few minutes then add the well washed friarielli and cover with a lid, stir occasionally, add salt, if you need a bit 'of water and cook.
Take a colander and place them friarielli to lose the excess water, let them cool.
In another pan, cook the sausages, then cut into small pieces.
Take the leavened dough, divide it into two parts and on a floured work surface roll the dough with the help of a rolling pin, the dough must be thin.
Fill the pastry with friarielli obtained first and then with the sausages, roll the dough tightly, tightly to the two ends.
Repeat with the other half of the dough.
Take a very large baking sheet, cover with greaseproof paper and place two rolls obtained, the distance between them, let rise for two to three hours.
Bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes, check the cooking, have brown.

Option: willing to roll the stuff can even otherwise, I have tried it with cheese and ham, and provolone semipiccante bacon ... .. that good!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fotos Kates Playground


Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 2 Saint Lucia to the Foundation at 9 am on the porch. At 9.15 square
the Navigator, we will head by bus 160 to the Capitol, passing through Piazza Venezia and Deputies to reach 10.30. We will move through the streets of downtown and then return to garrison Standing in the Lazio Region (via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi, 7)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Kates Playground Quicktime

Now it's time for artichokes, so why not make a good Parmesan Artichoke

Ingredients: 8 artichokes

3-4 eggs 200 gr mozzarella
100 grated Parmesan cheese to taste flour

tomato sauce to taste 1 clove garlic

extra virgin olive oil salt

0lio for frying (I used peanut)

Peel the artichokes and slice along the stems.
Place in acidulated water for 10-15 minutes, rinse well and dry them for 30 minutes su carta assorbente.
Intanto prepariamo un sugo con olio, aglio, sale e pomodoro e lasciamo cuocere per 1 minuti
Infarinare le fette e i gambi, passarli nelle uova leggermente sbattute dove si aggiunge un pizzico di sale e friggerle in abbondante olio. Appena sono dorate, toglierle ed appoggiarle su della carta assorbente per eliminare l’olio in eccesso.
Prendere una pirofila da forno, sul fondo mettere qualche cucchiaio di sugo al pomodoro e foderarla con i carciofi fritti, quando è finito il primo strato mettere il fiordilatte tagliato a piccoli pezzi, del parmigiano grattugiato e ripetere l’operazione fino alla fine dei carciofi. Terminare con il sugo e qualche pezzettino di fiordilatte
Cuocere in forno a 200° per 25-30 minutes