~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ Johann Sebastian Bach was born on 14.03.1685 in Eisenach from a family of musicians. At 10 years and is an orphan brought up by his older brother who gives him lessons in organ and harpsichord. In 1700, his brother leaves his family to go to Lüneburg, where he joined the Michaeliskirche choir. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After having been short time violinist at the court of Saxe-Weimar, in 1703 became organist of St. Boniface at Arnstadt, and soon becomes famous. In 1705 he undertook a journey on foot, later to become legendary (400 km), and went to Lübeck to hear the famous organist D. Bextehude that Sebastian particularly admired for his compositions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bach moved to Weimar and here comprises a large number of pieces for organ and sing first, but little valued as a composer, Bach gained fame as an organist, consecrated by the famous concerts held from 1713 to 1717 in Dresden, Halle, Leipzig and other towns. In 1717 he was appointed Kapellmeister at the court reformed the Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Köthen Cöthen with the task of composing music and carol singing at concerts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In 1723 he moved to Leipzig and accepts the post of Kantor at St. Thomas and comprises a large number of very famous and sacred cantatas great passion, returning instrumental music until about 1726. From 1729 to 1740 was director of the Bach Collegium Musicum university which continues his work as a composer of music for harpsichord and instrumental music varies. In 1747 King Frederick II of Prussia invited him to Potsdam, gives great honor and admiration at seeing his masterful improvisations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Around 1749 health the composer begins to wane, sight becomes dim and increasingly, become blind, that his last, great composition (unfortunately remained unfinished), the 'Art of Fugue. " Bach died July 28, 1750 in Leipzig and his music (published in 59 volumes) is only rediscovered in 1829 thanks to a performance of Mendelssohn's "St. Matthew Passion, was a composer of Masses, Passions and oratorios, cantatas sacred and secular music orchestral, chamber music for various instruments, organ works, works for harpsichord and other instruments. Read more: SITE BACH
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