Napoleon the Great (historical figures)
Napoleone Buonaparte (cognome successivamente francesizzato in Bonaparte), il futuro dominatore d'europa, nasce il 15 agosto 1769 ad Ajaccio, in Corsica. E' il secondogenito di Carlo Buonaparte, lawyer originally from Tuscany and Letizia Ramolino, beautiful young woman who will even thirteen children. His father, thanks to recommendations from a relative accordategli high priest, encouraged him to pursue a military career. The economic conditions of the Bonaparte family can not be called rosy, so 'more children' are sent to large colleges and state institutions not to overburden the family coffers and to ensure that they take a good social position. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 's why May 15, 1779 that the Napoleon moves into college militare di Brienne . Vi rimane cinque anni, durante i quali forma il suo carattere ed impara i rudimenti della tattica militare quanto quelli della matematica (sua grande passione) . E' un ragazzo schivo e introverso, maltrattato dai suoi compagni di scuola francesi che lo chiamano 'l'italiano' e lo trattano con disprezzo per il suo basso grado di nobilta'.
Nel settembre del 1784 , a quindici anni, viene invece ammesso alla scuola militare di Parigi .
Grazie ai suoi buoni voti in matematica viene scelto per l'arma dell'artiglieria. Dopo un anno ottiene il grado di sottotenente.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ were now nearing the years of the French Revolution. The oppressed people from an unjustified social policy Louis XVI and 'more and more' close to the rebellion that broke definitively with the convocation of the states general, improvidently made by the king between 1788 and 1789 . The revolution rages with strength in all of France who is deeply upset. Napoleon is in revolution, the first outlet for his ambition for power and social revenge. Following the example of his hero youth Pasquale Paoli seeks to spread the seeds of sedition even on his island. He throws in the politics of place and fights (with poor results) though he be appointed to battalion commander in the National Guard in 1791 Ajaccio (commanders were elected by the troops of the garrison and the people allowed to vote). For now, the aspirations and dreams of glory of Napoleon not stop there. In fact, 30 November 1789 the National Assembly had proclaimed Corsica part of France, putting an end to military occupation began in 1769 and prevents the young Napoleon the way for new honors. Meanwhile, France is facing a political crisis unprecedented. Militarily attacked by its neighbors monarchists ( First Coalition : Austria, Russia, Prussia, Savoy, etc.), is in big trouble 'is social and economic. The Republican armies suffered many defeats and overlooks the politics of terror . Meanwhile, Napoleon makes his first military experience in Toulon and Marseille in the struggles against the royalists. And 'here leading his first-line battery takes the first of those acts of heroism that they will love and admire his soldiers by his enemies. After the heady moments of his first command starts the way for the social ladder. I try to put nel'alta Company 'in Paris and entered the orbit of the directory with one of the first favor that fate gave him. Seda it (happened to be in the right place at the right time) a revolt by angry peasants, placing itself under the command of a battery of cannons and stand in the way. It also chooses the right woman, Josephine de Beauharnais who helps him unravel the fine world of Paris and to become the first influential friends. Finally, Napoleon found himself entrusted, in 1796 , shortly before his marriage, his first command army general. Part C for the first ampagna of Italy during which the fabric of his military strategist adds that the real head of state. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Treaty Campoformio (1797) concludes His first successful military campaign, defeating the armies of the Austro-Piedmontese and showed his amazing ability to 'tactical and strategic. To sign the treaty will not wait 'even the endorsement of the Executive Board, showing the world her ambition and throwing in this way the foundations of what later became the Kingdom of Italy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ become too famous and uncomfortable the directory is catapulted into what is perhaps 'his campaign less successful but more' daring the campaign of Egypt . Landed in Alexandria, defeats the Mamelukes but suffers the terrible defeat of the naval baia di Abukir che condanna all'esaurimento la sua armata e che lo spinge ad abbandonarla per inseguire i suoi sogni di gloria. Nel frattempo infatti la situazione in Francia era tanto peggiorata da fargli capire che il momento del ritorno era giunto. I suoi nemici politici non erano piu' cosi' forti da potergli impedire alcunche' e le sue conquiste in Italia erano andate tutte perdute.
Affidato il comando delle sue truppe al generale Kleber si imbarca per la Francia contravvenendo agli ordini di Parigi. Il 9 ottobre 1799 sbarca a S. Raphael e fra il 9 e il 10 novembre (il cosiddetto 18 Brumaio del calendario rivoluzionario), con un colpo di stato abbatte il Direttorio diventando 'Primo Console' della repubblica and taking the road to empire. He picked up the reins of the army, the Austrians won 'Marengo' . And 'the victory of fate. From this time assisted by his great ability 'tactics and luck, casting' the whole military force on its greatness and genius' policy. Head of State and the Armies of Napoleon, with a capacity for work of intelligence and creative imagination of an extraordinary reform in record time and the administration of justice . Once again the coalition victory against Austrian forces and the British signed peace in 1801 the concordat with Pius VII which puts the French Church at the service Regime. Then, having uncovered and foiled a plot by the monarchy, you proclaim in 1804 Emperor of the French under the name of Napoleon 1st and the following year, also King of Italy. This creates around him a real "monarchy" with courts and nobility of the Empire and the continued steady state, under his leadership, reform and modernization: education, urban planning, economics, art, creation of the so-called "Napoleonic Code " , that provides a legal basis to the company coming out of the Revolution. But the Emperor was soon taken from other wars. Failed attack on England in the famous Battle of Trafalgar where will die 'over his' inexhaustible opponent Admiral Oratio Nelson, brings to fruition a series of campaigns against the Austro-Russians ( Austerlitz, 1805), Prussian ( IĆ©na , 1806) and builds his great empire after the Treaty of Tilsit in 1807. So 'as will' for the Nazis in 1940-'45 England will be 'the single biggest obstacle to its European hegemony. In response to the maritime blockade applied from London, Napoleon put in place between 1806 and 1808 the continental block in order to isolate the high power. The block becomes the seed of the final defeat, since 'Napoleon weakens alliances with other European countries and primarily with the powerful Tsarist Russia. Dynamism to the French industry and agriculture but annoys the European economy and forced the emperor to develop a policy of expansion which, from the Papal States to Portugal and Spain through the control of a new coalition of Austria ( Wagram 1809), leaves his armies exhausted. In 1810 , worried to leave offspring, Napoleon married Maria Louisa of Austria (the future Duchess of Parma and Guastalla), which gives him a son, Napoleon II. In 1812 , sensing the hostility of the Tsar Alexander The and driven by the desire to strengthen the system of the continental block, the great Napoleon's army invaded Russia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Russian Campaign and 'prepared in detail, all European states, now vassals of the French, are involved with expeditionary forces. More 'than 1 million men in arms crossing the borders dell'Imera meeting defeat. Another historical analogy is gathered in this desperate adventure, recalling once again the Second World War. The general winter defeats in 1812 as in 1943 troops invaders, compensating the smallness of the Russian army and tactical errors. This defeat marks the beginning of the end of the empire. The awakening of Eastern Europe and see Paris invaded by the enemy troops March 4, 1814 following the defeat suffered by Napoleon's tactics in the battle of "Leipzig" . few days later, Napoleon is forced to abdicate in favor of his son then, the April 6, 1814, to renounce all of his powers. Only ousted from the throne and was forced into exile, but it is not 'done yet. From May 1814 to March 1815, during his enforced stay Island Elba , ruler of the island on which to restore a pale imitation of its former court, Napoleon will Austrians, Prussians, English and Russian divide, during the Congress of Vienna , what was his great empire. Not monitored by the English, Napoleon back in March 1815 to restore its power and oust the regime Ancienne pusillanimous king on the throne by the allies repulsed monarchists. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backed by the Liberals and especially army, but know a second brief reign known under the name "Kingdom of One Hundred Days" . The new and recaptured glory will not last long. After a great military campaign on French soil, and after Napoleon repeatedly defeated his opponents should give up and this time forever. Defeated by the tenacity of the British soldiers led by Sir Wellington and from himself, for his determination not to launch into combat his beloved guard in the Battle of Waterloo . Napoleon must therefore 'abdicate restored to its role as the Emperor Giugno1815 22. Now in the hands of the British, these checks as the remote prison island of St. Helena, where, before turning off the May 5, 1821, often evoke nostalgia for his native island, Corsica. His regret, told the few people rimastigli nearby, was to have neglected his land, too busy in wars and businesses. On May 5, 1821 , what was undoubtedly the greatest general and leader after Caesar off alone and abandoned in Longwood on the island of St. Helena, under the supervision of the British. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ was real glory? For posterity will judge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main books are best of everything. Go see here: I recommend "The Campaigns of Napoleon by David G. Chandler, BUR"
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