Monday, December 18, 2006

Who Draws Maxine Cartoons?


Margaret Hilda Roberts Thatcher , nasce il 13 Ottobre del 1925 , figlia di un droghiere che si era faticosamente conquistato il suo posto ad Oxford . Dopo una serie di studi regolari, che non evidenziano in lei nessuna particolare dote straordinaria sul piano intellettuale (anche se si notava certamente il fatto che fosse intelligente), si dedica agli studi di chimica, laureandosi all'università di Oxford. Dal 1947 al 1951 lavora come chimico nella research, but in 1953, having also trained as a lawyer, accountant becomes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in rehashing the past this lady that has deeply marked the history of his country, but all the witnesses agreed to call a person with an incredible fighting spirit, great common sense and an extraordinary political insight. Once dropped in the ranks of the political right English, in fact, had the merit, when everybody was already assumed the decline of Britain, has challenged the "whip " and that he had returned to his countrymen's pride of being English, and even employed them in a likely war against Argentina in defense of the forgotten islands Falkland . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the Conservative Party , is then elected to the House of Commons in 1959 covering, among other things, the role of Minister for Education and Science in the Heath government for four years, from 1970 to 1974 . After the Conservative defeat in the elections of 1974 , challenge Heath for the leadership of his party and winning in 1975. Four years after leading the party to victory, promising to stop the economic decline of British and reduce the state's role in the economy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Margaret Thatcher fund 'the its policy on the idea that " the company 'does not exist . There are only individuals, men and women, and there are families . The "purge Thatcherite" then consisted essentially in the deregulation of labor and capital markets, privatization of nationalized industries, those that the British state had assumed as a result of war, economic depression and socialist ideology. The result? He said she (and they confirm, according to analysts, macroeconomic data): " We have reduced the government deficit and we have repaid the debt. We strongly cut the income tax base and even taxes plus' high. And to do what 'we firmly reduced public spending as a percentage of national product. We have reformed trade union law and regulations unnecessary. We've created a virtuous circle: pulling back the government have given way to the private sector and so' the private sector generated more 'growth, which in turn has allowed solid finances and low taxes. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His political action, in short, is based on liberal that " the government can 'do little good and much that it hurts and then hand the scope of government must be kept to a minimum 'and that' and 'possession of property' that has a psychological effect is mysterious but no less real: the care for their offers training in becoming responsible citizens. The properties have a 'from' independence against a man government too intrusive. For most of us the nodes of the property by forcing us duties which we might otherwise avoid: to continue with the metaphor prevent us from falling in the margins. Encourage people to buy property 'and save money' was much more 'of an economic program'. It was, in fact, " the implementation of a program that put an end to society 'based on a single generation, putting the its place is a democracy founded on the possession of capital . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Encouraged by the success of its policy on the Falkland Islands in 1982, leads the Conservatives to a great victory in the elections of June 1983 . October 1984 escapes an assassination attempt it explodes Irish Republican extremists in a bomb at the Grand Hotel in Brighton during a party congress. Victorious again in June 1987 becomes the first British prime minister in the twentieth century to get three consecutive terms . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "Lady of iron ", so nicknamed for his steady hand and the decision has brought with its reforms, has voluntarily left Downing Street , resigning in November 1990 in full Gulf crisis, especially in Due to some disagreements within the party about his tax policy and its Euroscepticism. About the Middle East crisis, in some interviews the former Conservative leader said in an unofficial capacity for its surprise war ended too quickly and without the annihilation of the Iraqi dictator: "When you start a job what matters' do it all the way, and well. Saddam and instead 'still there' and the question in the Gulf and not ' unopened "(Come to deny that he was completely right!). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today Margaret Thatcher, became Baroness Notes with satisfaction the program that presumably you have not had time to finish applied by the party " progressive" by Blair and the Conservative Party who has driven from Downing Street shredded . Some analysts, some political scientist or sometimes even a few party leaders openly declare that their problems would take a Thatcher in order to apply the English cure to their country. The " thathcherismo ", in fact, has created something that will influence, for at least a generation, the course of world events. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The historical significance of Margaret Thatcher, in brief, and 'word that it was the first in Europe to pursue a policy based on the need' to fight statism and to identify private enterprise and free market means best to boost the economy of a country.


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