Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Signs Of Skin Cancer On The Foot

A bit of travel award study Francesca! My limoncello

all started March 18, 2010!

As someone already knows my daughter Francesca took part in the selection for PAD, 2010, has conducted various tests, he passed and was selected to participate a travel award to study-organized by the Federal Republic of Germany from June 22 to July 17 along with 44 other students selected throughout Italy.
For nearly three weeks has been a guest at a family Volkach, has been accepted very well by a wonderful family, was once regarded as another family member. She was put everything at its disposal, one bedroom and a bathroom all to her, the use of computers and the ability to call when he wanted to take and use anything to serve with the children of the family has linked a lot, not They never left alone, involving them in all, though initially there was some particular problem speaking slowly ... then okay!
the morning went to school with girls that hosts, participating in various classes of professors made by their local and Italian professor who was their contact person.
Leaving school is returned to the family, the evening was organized something. The school is super organized
nothing to do with our schools, classes, huge and well organized, there was also a riding school.
The table is well organized, even the young Italians took advantage of course free
The mayor of the city has received all the guys giving them gadgets like a bottle of wine, badges with both Italian and German flags, è stato offerto anche un buffet in loro onore e per finire foto ricordo con il sindaco che è stata pubblicata sui giornali locali
CI sono state anche delle escursione a Francoforte, Norimberga, Wurzburg, Rottenburg tutte super organizzate con ottime guide.
Dall’11 luglio fino alla fine del soggiorno sono stati a Berlino in albergo.
Sono stati affiancati dal primo giorno fino all’ultimo da una coppia di giovani che erano le loro guide, non sono mai stati soli, tutto organizzato minuto per minuto…. forse anche troppo, si usciva dall’albergo tra le 9-10 del mattino per tornarci verso l’1 -2 del giorno dopo.
Hanno visitato musei, piazze principali, hanno assistito per alcune ore ad una discussione Parliament, visited the University ... .. lunch and dinner in restaurants Italian, Mexican, Jewish, Hard Rock, pub, went to the theater, a bathroom on the lake, the outdoor cinema.
thanks goes to the Federal Republic of Germany for having this opportunity ... ah ... I forgot the guys have not spent a dime out of their pockets rather each boy received 50 € for buying gadgets and personal
'was a unique and wonderful, I think Francesca as the other guys will remember for life
only shows a few photos ...... 1664 not all are well!!




Rottenburg Rottenburg

The school that he attended Francesca


Hall interval


photo with the mayor (Frank is the first in the lower left)



Kiliani, un parco giochi a


In piscina




A scuola

Giro in traghetto sul fiume Meno

Wein Fest

Berlin Central Station

The Berlin Wall
Kiss of brotherhood

The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall Checkpoint Charlie

A written Francesca
on the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall

Stadium Berlin

To deal with a nice 44 degrees ice

Hard Rock Cafe in Berlin


The Sony Center

The oldest university of Berlin, Humboldt Universitaet

The parliament - the Reichstag

The Brandenburg Gate

With the bear, symbol of Berlin


Francesca in the driving Tobbias

A group photo in Potsdam

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Milena Velba Miosotis

Coordination of the parents of extra service hospital art. 26: "We request a meeting with Polverini"

Polverini Dear President, my name is Melanie

Fazzino, and together with other parents of children in "load" at the Saint Lucia IRCCS of Rome, during the His visits to the Foundation, I had the opportunity to discuss with you the condition of insecurity and uncertainty that we are experiencing the situation of deep crisis in the hospital.
On 25 February this year, after countless futile negotiations with the old regional council, the Ministry of Health held a meeting between a small delegation of S. Lucia, among whom were some parents of children of the former service. art. 26, and the Minister, the Hon. Ferruccio Fazio, with the Commissioner to Acta prof. Guzzanti. The minister noted the serious economic situation facing the hospital and the additional problem that concerns the service of extra rehabilitation hospital, which sees about 100 people, mostly children, at risk of dismissal for failure by the Lazio Region, the formalization of the transition from semi to non-residential users, has taken a firm commitment to the immediate conversion through the intervention of Professor. Guzzanti, these places and referred the final resolution of the issue of economic foundation installation of the new regional government.
In subsequent meetings at St. Lucia, she too has repeatedly reassured us, making sure that the Minister was acting to resolve the situation.
Therefore, we were quite dismayed to learn that,

1. Despite the assurances and promises of the Minister and Professor. Guzzanti about the places mentioned have not been converted, which would, once again at risk of dismissal of our children;

2. For the extra service hospital art. 26 it was made for 2009, a heavy riduzione del budget;

3. Con la recente delibera n. 38 del 31 maggio 2010 è stato introdotto un tetto per le assenze, superato il quale i pazienti dovrebbero essere dimessi dal progetto di riabilitazione.
Noi genitori ci chiediamo: e in caso di ricoveri, interventi gravi o malattie, secondo Lei, cosa dovremmo fare? Perdere il progetto e iniziare nuovamente l’iter delle lunghe liste di attesa? Sempre nel contesto della gestione del progetto, inoltre, nel caso di idrochinesi terapia, la commissione, che si è occupata della predisposizione di tale decreto, non ha neanche contemplato i casi in cui un paziente, pur essendo in ottima salute, è costretto, suo malgrado, a rinunciare alla prestazione, ad es. per ferite, fungi, ear infections.

Dear President, as you well know, in Lazio there are alternatives to S. Lucia. No other facility is equipped with an efficient outpatient service and quality as that of S. Lucia, for the multidisciplinary management of over 150 children: the said decree, in addition to not allow to escape the long waiting lists, which endangers the health of our children and the serenity of our parents.

Therefore, in light of new revelations, we ask for a meeting to discuss the recent actions in the hope of seeking a solution satisfactory to both parties.
Pending receipt of any notice, we send our best regards.

Il coordinamento dei genitori del servizio extra ospedaliero ex art. 26

Melania Fazzino – tel. 3496600569 - email
Annarita Di Santo – tel 3478525059 – email

Everyday Minerals Nc30

Una ricetta che fa parte della tradizione napoletana.... il limoncello!
Questa è la mia versione che preparo molto spesso con dei limoni posillipini non trattati


8 limoni medi non trattati
400ml alcool per liquore
400ml acqua
320g zucchero

Lavate accuratamente i limoni
Asciugateli bene con un panno pulito
Con un coltello o un pelapatate togliete la buccia sottilissima ai limoni, stando attenti a non prendere the white part, put the peels in a glass container with airtight and add alcohol
Close the glass container and leave the skins to soak in alcohol for 20 days, shaking the pan occasionally become alcohol more yellow and lemon peel increasingly clear
After 20 days, the alcohol filter eliminating the peels of lemons.
Prepare the syrup by bringing water and sugar in a saucepan with the sugar water, heat over a low heat, stirring until the sugar has all dissolved, turn off and cool
Add alcohol and the syrup is completely cooled, mix well. Strain the limoncello aiutandovi con un colino a maglia molto stretta versandolo in una o più bottiglie ben pulite. Lasciar riposare per circa 30 giorni….. poi lo si può gustare