Saturday, November 25, 2006

I Have Two Polyps In My Gall Bladder

Maid of Orlean (1412 - 1431) Bartholomew Portuguese

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ Illiterate, daughter of farmers, thirteen years was persuaded to have been chosen by God to save France from the Hundred Years' War wounded. Examples of women who built 'the story without suffering wrong. For necklaces "Great Women of Superimago" Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The life and work of Joan of Arc ( 1412 to 1431 ) are contained in the final phase of the war that saw opposing France and England (conventionally regarded as the Hundred Years War ) , whose causes were fundamentally dynastic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ historiography has enormous importance to this war that is intertwined with historical events that characterize "the crisis of the fourteenth century" destined to endure into the next century: the spread of Black Death ( 1348), the guerrilla peasant in France (jacquerie), millenarianism - apocalyptic revolutionary peasant English, supported by the preacher John Ball , the struggle between the Armagnacs and Burgundians, the Avignon captivity ( 1308 to 1378 ) and the Great Schism ( 1378 to 1417 ). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joan of Arc born in the village of Domrémy today Domremy la Pucelle in the Vosges, (left bank of the Meuse), which was part of the County Bar of the world divided then even a small village as Domrémy was divided in two: half belonged to the Duke Renato D'Anjou and half to the French king . Burgundians were the inhabitants of the nearby village of Maxey , while across the river lived the "fideles" of the Duke of Lorraine , vassal of the Roman Germanic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As with other French villages Domrémy was prey to the incursions and ravages of mercenary troops who plundered the crops of farmers. Everything contributes to making the precarious life of that time, including frequent betrayals of robbers as that of Robert de Laarbrück , who in 1424 passed the side of the Burgundians (allies of the English), sowing terror in the region of Lorraine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When in 1422 died Henry V and Charles VI , the tide of war had divided France into three blocks (the three France). The North el 'West of the country were in the hands of English and governed by the regent Duke of Bedford, uncle of Henry VI small. To the east, the duchy of Burgundy ruled by Philip "the Good" , an ally of the English. To the south of the Loire domain dolphin Carlo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joan of Arc had the age of ten years and his life wound in the usual forms of rural girls of that time: the household work (spinning, sewing) alternate and more challenging, such as monitoring the herd and guard the local herd. Religious education the provident mother Isabella, who, with great fervor, he was able, even through "examples" edifying, as the telling of stories of S. And St. Margaret of Antioch Catherine of Alexandria (one of the most venerated saints in those days), to bind the soul of Giovanna religious feeling with the civic values. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The girl, demonstrating an early interest in political events of the time, read them in religious terms, as an expression of the eternal struggle between good and evil: the king, as Christ submitted to an unjust ordeal, the English and their Burgundian allies in the likeness of the devil. Around 1425 , Joan began to have visions and hear voices which she attributed to S. Margherita, S. Catherine and the Archangel Michael, whose sanctuary of Mont Saint Michel, between Normandy and Brittany was a territory loyal to the dolphin in the middle of the region controlled by the British, and appeared to be the great protector of the kingdom of France, opponent of the heavenly warrior S. George, patron saint of England. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the voices that speak John insists on the need to carry out the will of God that demanded the liberation of French soil by the presence of the invaders. Armed with this inspiration, Joan in 1429 came to the fortress of Vaucouleurs, located on the Meuse a few miles to the North of Domremy. He was able to influence the commander of the fort, the captain of Robert de Bandicourt , announcing his divine mission: to save France from English invaders and crown the dauphin. He was given a small stock in the company of which John had to reach, covering approximately one hundred kilometers on horseback, Chinon, on the left bank of the Loire, where the dolphin lived. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The February 29 met Charles VII in Chinon, which, despite being troubled by the personality of Joan, uncertain and suspicious, underwent the examination of Theology, University of Poitiers. The latter were convinced that the resolve of Joan, was a sign of divine favor granted to her. Since then, Joan of Arc was called by his followers "Pucelle" (the Maid, the Virgin). The will of God seemed to materialize in the siege of Orleans, a city on the right side of the Loire that the British had besieged. The Maid of Orleans entered the forward on a big white horse, wrapped in a shining armor, followed by Bastard of Orleans (the illegitimate son of Charles VI's brother, Louis of Orleans) and a legendary military leader, the Gascon Etienne de Vignolles . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ drive with great energy the attack on the forts that the British had erected to guard the city. Orleans was liberated, the enemy fortresses dismantled, the British forced to retreat. This first victory when he added another on 17 July Charles VII in Reims received the anointing of the consecration, and mirror guarantee of its legitimacy. Joan could well cease to call Dolphin "Re gentle here now implemented the desire that he wanted me to do raise the siege of Orléans and to lead you to receive, in this city Reims, your holy consecration, demonstrating that you are true king, which must belong to the realm of France ". (Quoted in Duby" History of France "-Bompiani). ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the end of May 1430 , engaged in combat operations at Compiegne, where he resisted the Duke of Burgundy, was captured by the Bastard of Wandomme , lieutenant Jean de Luxembourg, who was a faithful vassal of the Duke of Borbogna. Charles VII made no effort to free her, and so the Maid, abandoned, was transferred for six months in diverse prigioni, prima di essere venduta agli Inglesi e processata come eretica a Rouen da giudici, inquisitori legati al partito anglo - borgognone, con lo scopo di colpire irrimediabilmente la credibilità e la rispettabilità di Carlo VII. Gli sforzi compiuti dagli avversari per dimostrare, mediante le procedure dell'Inquisizione, che Giovanna era una strega che si serviva di poteri diabolici, testimoniano della profonda incidenza della sua missione.


Fu condotta al rogo mercoledì 30 maggio 1430 sulla piazza del Vieux Marché e le fu concesso to have close until the final moments a cross astiale. Engulfed in flames, he cried several times in a loud voice the name of Jesus Legend has it that the heart is not touched by fire, was thrown into the Seine together with the ashes of the bones, to prevent researchers to take possession of relics. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Symbol of love patriotism and unity of France, Joan of Arc has inspired writers such as Shakespeare, Schiller, and Shaw and musicians such as Verdi, Liszt, Tchaikovsky. Joan of Arc was canonized in 1920. He deserves the fame and glory of the story to be successful with the strength of his great faith to kick off the birth of the first great modern nation of continental Europe. Giovanna not suffered 'but modelo' history with his will 'and tenacity , diventado so' one of the most 'great women of all time.


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