Marie Louise of Austria (1791 - 1847)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marie Louise of Austria was Empress of the French ( 1810 to 1814 ), then the Duchess of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla ( 1815 to 1847 ). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His Imperial Highness and Reale, Luisa Maria Leopoldina Franziska Theresia Josepha Lucia, Princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Tuscany, duchess of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla was the daughter of Francis II of Austria , Imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero ( 1792-1806 ), poi Imperatore d'Austria come Francesco I , e pronipote della regina Maria Antonietta d'Austria , ghigliottinata dai rivoluzionari francesi.
Come tante donne della storia, si incomincia a parlare di Maria Luisa quando viene promessa in sposa ad un grande personaggio dei suoi tempi, Napoleone Bonaparte .
Napoleone aveva divorziato by Josephine Beauharnais because he was not able to give you an offspring, and agreed to marry the daughter of the Emperor of Austria. Quest'utimo it had been forced by the French to the peace after the defeat at Wagram dynastic problems and knowing his enemy's friend decided to have it at the moment to offer him a dynastic marriage. The Habsburgs were notoriously prolific and obviously nothing more than 'this could attract Napoleon, who was looking for a descent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Needless to say, this marriage had nothing to do with love. 'Spouse a belly! ", Napoleon used to say when someone asked him about his future bride. In 1810 therefore 'Maria Luisa married' Napoleon I, namely the man who until then had considered the archenemy, a kind of inhuman devil. Thus' it was considered not only by the Habsburgs but also by the ruling dynasties in Europe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Despite the political nature of marriage and the fact that she risked becoming hated "Austrian" for the French (who loved it in fact not much) as had happened to his aunt Marie Antoinette, from her Napoleon was born, and some sort of interest, far away from love, even though she had more than one reason to complain of continued extra-marital affairs of her new husband. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ was to wake him anyway in her very young and completely ignorant about sex, sensuality quell'accesa then accompanied him throughout his life. Maria Luisa, however, succeeded 'where Giusepina had failed. Gave birth to an heir of the great leader: the King of Rome . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nonostante fosse la madre di suo figlio la caduta di Napoleone provocò la fine immediata dell'amore di Maria Luisa verso di lui. Ormai non era più il potente condottiero mediterraneo che l'aveva sedotta appena qualche anno prima ma solo un uomo stanco ed esiliato in uno degli angoli più remoti della terra. Nei due esili di Napoleone ( 1812, Isola d'Elba; 1815, isola di Sant'Elena ) Maria Luisa non lo seguì, tornando provvisoriamente in Austria.
Dopo il Congresso di Vienna le fu assegnata la reggenza a vita del ducato di Parma, Piacenza e Guastalla . Metternich le mise a fianco, come consigliere e controllore, il conte Adam Adalbert Neipperg , uomo della diplomazia austriaca. Molto lodato fu il modo in cui Maria Luisa amministrò il suo ducato. Fu governante saggia, pragmatica e liberale (ovviamente secondo gli standard dell'epoca), non si macchiò di gravi colpe (come fecero certi suoi colleghi) nella lotta contro i patrioti italiani, mantenne il Codice napoleonico ed eccelse nella protezione delle arti.
Lo splendore della corte dà lustro al Ducato e i parmensi diventano orgogliosi della loro piccola patria. Undertaken a comprehensive plan of public works, he made sure that the renewed public library acquired prestige (library, which boasts an ancient code which are reproduced on the "parmae" badges round alpine Roman legions, even the city's name is derived from vaguely circular shape). The maximum peak was reached in 1829 with the inauguration of the Teatro Ducale (now Royal) in Parma, still the glory of the city. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The still young Maria Luisa soon became the mistress of Neipperg, had two daughters, to become later, Napoleon died, his wife morganatica dall' 8 agosto 1821 . In suo nome, il conte di Neipperg governò il ducato con particolare moderazione.
Nel 1834 Maria Luisa sposò successivamente, in terze nozze, il suo gran ciambellano, Charles -René, conte di Bombelles .
Alla sua morte il 17 dicembre 1847 il titolo di Duca di Parma passò al principe Carlo II di Parma , nipote dell'ultimo regnante prima di Maria Luisa, ma quello di Duca di Guastalla passò al duca Francesco V d'Este .
Una delle maggiori colpe di Maria Luisa é that he had "abandoned" the child of Napoleon, the king of Rome and later Duke of Reichstadt who died of tuberculosis ( 1832) in his early twenties in the golden but sad "imprisonment" at the maternal grandfather in Vienna. As obvious political reasons prevented her son join her in Parma, in practice it renounced in exchange for the son of a ducal coronet and power effects may follow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And against her c 'is saying that if he remained in Vienna with his son, had not missed some means of support! In short, although his work 'of ruler in the Duchy of Parma is to underline how enlightened and wise, Sula is a dark shadow figure of this woman, unfortunate and certainly overwhelmed by the raging river of history. Maria Luisa was yet more evidence of what 'it means to be woman in history. She also witnessed, but above all things, creator victim.
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