Monday, November 27, 2006

Parts Of A Ship Diagram

Diary of the board: 's University as Limit Experience

Now that it's over, now that the fence where young minds graze and chew theory does not contain me anymore, now that I do not I see more bleating inside the fence and sit for days on the ideas of others, only now I realize what was the University, and as I grazed and ruminated and bleating and hatched. Just put one foot out, and the world unfolds beginning right from under your foot, and Horizon is not just what you have before, but meadows crossed by new boundaries - other ways to close and reach out and protect themselves and be called - remember that it was not a space like the others, that enclosure. That we had lived well in there. And browsing knowledge in the company was not too bad: a strange way of cultivating friendship, and sharpen the sense of sharing. But understanding the fence, I was not given while we were in the middle. You lived it, traverse it in his circle, to explore the center and the periphery of the fence, thinking that one day he'd had a vision. And the overall view reaches you now, when the memory is already clean, everything in order, without a stain, remember that you belong to the end because it defines the age at which burned and ruminating, and all this you enough. So, before anything else, thanks to the overview - an image taken from above, almost an aerial survey - in particular understand that fence was the university that you lived 'experience of limitation . Especially: your limit. Let's say you're in a classroom, and that the human landscape around you have chaotically along the arc of the half-cycle, and the air turns as the case of students between the sleepy and the principle of inertia, and that some of the guys if they are fiercely and silently on the sidelines while others with new age ways tell of what has easy and reckless and extremely engaging their sex life and that of the blue is a professor with a beard at first sight and the untreated right tone of color of the tie, a professor who takes off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, takes the microphone, says Good morning, and then give yourself time without surprises you with behind-the semiotic model Enunciazionale and the whole history of the text and Simulacra text. We have for a moment that it happened. That, like a thousand other occasions, it was an experience of limit: that you put to the test, and have now confirmed the finitude and the reduced size of your learning. In seconds, you have to be understood literally limited, wearing a little so you know, that did not feel anyone. And to avoid feeling scientifically None - a meteor solitary and invisible to the elliptical orbit around planets immense - you begin to concentrate and take notes and catch up. Let your pen flow while your young mind absorbs and begins to hatch. And all the time spent brooding and ruminating is key - usually in the pasture fence, for something like five or six years, a lifetime, once truly endless. And what at first appeared as a limit is further as a threshold : an open door to a new field of knowledge. A new field of knowledge and enter fearful, with the first tentative forays, and then we run about in the long and wide, challenging Point Of View & authority on the subject. This mechanism is central to the University: Application and Limitations of the method are many thresholds to cross. Obviously, not all limits, in the long run, prove thresholds. I, the Economy, I never could really understand. In that field of knowledge, there are always went with someone who accompanied me, and the visit did not last that the time of examination. It is a very special area, the economy. A ghostly, vaguely post schizoide nei confronti della vita quotidiana. L’astrazione elevata a potenza. (Sono convinto che molti provano questo nei confronti della Semiotica, o di qualsiasi altra scienza, e questo la dice lunga sulla persistenza dei limiti). Ma l’esperienza dei limiti non finisce mica qui. Mettiamo che molto tempo fa un tuo limite è diventato una soglia, e che quella soglia l’hai attraversata così tante volte che all’ingresso c’è il tappetino del casa-dolce-casa ad accoglierti, e che in quel campo di sapere ti sei spinto così lontano da arrivare a vederne i bordi e i confini. Questa volta è l’esperienza di un Limite sia interno sia esterno a te stesso. Il tuo limite su quel sapere coincide con un limite più generale - Edge of knowledge on which many have ventured. Usually, you're on that edge when you write the thesis. And the argument, at best, resemble edge diaries written by those who have gone further unfold and see new lands and continents away. The experience of the limit that moves as you move yourself. Mica kilometers. Only a few steps. But that's where you see that the fence that you have hosted whole season has had its day. This is a reminder of new and more adventurous and less traveled areas. Mirage is what to call you out.


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