Monday, February 28, 2011

Kates Playground Quicktime

Now it's time for artichokes, so why not make a good Parmesan Artichoke

Ingredients: 8 artichokes

3-4 eggs 200 gr mozzarella
100 grated Parmesan cheese to taste flour

tomato sauce to taste 1 clove garlic

extra virgin olive oil salt

0lio for frying (I used peanut)

Peel the artichokes and slice along the stems.
Place in acidulated water for 10-15 minutes, rinse well and dry them for 30 minutes su carta assorbente.
Intanto prepariamo un sugo con olio, aglio, sale e pomodoro e lasciamo cuocere per 1 minuti
Infarinare le fette e i gambi, passarli nelle uova leggermente sbattute dove si aggiunge un pizzico di sale e friggerle in abbondante olio. Appena sono dorate, toglierle ed appoggiarle su della carta assorbente per eliminare l’olio in eccesso.
Prendere una pirofila da forno, sul fondo mettere qualche cucchiaio di sugo al pomodoro e foderarla con i carciofi fritti, quando è finito il primo strato mettere il fiordilatte tagliato a piccoli pezzi, del parmigiano grattugiato e ripetere l’operazione fino alla fine dei carciofi. Terminare con il sugo e qualche pezzettino di fiordilatte
Cuocere in forno a 200° per 25-30 minutes

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Raven Riley Kate Playground Stream

RAI3 "live" continuous mobilization

Sunday, February 27 at 21:30 Rai3 on the broadcast "live" talk about the state of Saint Lucia Foundation

Difference Between Water Infection And Cystitis

The fight continues, we will not stop until not resolved the problems of the Foundation Saint Lucia

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sample Community Service Park Letter

extract vanilla homemade biscuits

Having the vanilla pod available (which I mentioned here ) a few months ago, I prepared the extract homemade vanilla following this recipe Anise & Cinnamon.
It 's a recipe that I recommend you try, after I'm sure you almost never use more than the teaspoon of vanilla extract (made from synthetic)
Here is the recipe with the procedure Paoletta


35 g water 35 g sugar

60 ml alcohol at 95 °
6 vanilla beans
a saucepan
a glass bottle or jar airtight

First we must provide the excellent vanilla, one of Madagascar should be the best.
Prepare a syrup with 35 grams of sugar and 35 grams of water. Boil
plan from 2 to 5 minutes after the boil, and in any case, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir in the end.
Cool well, then add alcohol and stir.
At this point, with a boxcutter, open your pods lengthwise, one at a time. Using a spoon, estraetene seeds that infuse the liquid. Do not throw the berries, but also put this brew, breaking them up into two or three parts.
Close your jar or bottle, and beat very well now and then about once a day for the next 3 months or more.
Keep everything in a cool, dark place, your statement will improve over time. Lose more and more the smell and taste of alcohol, taking its place an incredible intense aroma of vanilla.
If it happens that in the months of infusion used in the vanilla, then throw the berry used in the liquid, so that this will become increasingly concentrated. After a few months
filtered all, I have filtrato dopo 6 mesi

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coordinates saved L 'HOSPITAL BEFORE OPENING SAINT LUCIA by the junta: "The delegation will be' RECEIVED BY THE PRESIDENT IN EARLY Polverini.

Rome, February 23, 2011. The "Save the Hospital Coordination Saint Lucia" in conjunction with unions FP CGIL, UIL FPL, CIMOP, ADONP and the delegation of workers would like to thank the Hon. Mandarelli for having received a mandate from the President Polverini, the Delegation.
After listening to the requests from the representatives, the Hon. Mandarelli Polverini announced that the President has undertaken to organize a meeting very soon one of the promoters of the event, the leadership of the Foundation of the Lazio Region and Saint Lucia to jointly discuss and resolve "the critical situation that has continued for years with the Region ". Coordination

Save the Hospital Saint Lucia

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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grinding time of 23 febbario Sit-in at the Lazio Regional Council to Pisa

The Sit-in at the Lazio Regional Council to Pisa tomorrow February 23 has moved to at 13.30 instead of 10.30 am . Coordination
Save the Hospital Saint Lucia

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coordinates saved HOSPITAL SAINT LUCIA:
"The struggle continues manned"

Rome February 22, 2011. The coordinates saved Hospital Saint Lucia together with workers and workers today again expressed under the seat of the Lazio Regional Council to ask for concrete answers and a final resolution regarding the imminent closing of the risk. Now
permanent garrison in Via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi and mobilization to the bitter end. Next meeting tomorrow at 10.30 Lazio Regional Council at Pisa.

"The attitude of today does not differ from that of the last meeting when it was touted a supposed final settlement, it was quite ineffective for the survival of the Foundation, which means numbers in the safeguard 900 jobs and about 1000 medical and health benefits of which almost 200 per day to children. Dany says Mario De Luca-Coordination of Closure of the regional summits brings us to an inevitable mobilization to the bitter end, for more than a year of protests and meetings there is no certainty as to the future, workers do not know how much longer can count on their salaries, while those living in the uncertainty of having to stop rehabilitative care, some of which only Saint Lucia can offer. "

"The leadership of the region clearly had other priorities, ignoring the demand of hundreds of people took to the streets to demand the right to work and health" - says Carlo Di Giusto Coordination-we are tired of waiting for them to be comfortable, and then Today began the permanent garrison in the regional office, we do not move from here until they are addressed in a serious manner and resolving issues that have crippled the Saint Lucia.
Tomorrow we will be from 10.30 am outside the Lazio Regional Council by way of Pisa to involve the President of the Regional Council and Group Leaders affinché si spendano per scongiurare la chiusura della struttura”.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Long Before Anorexia Shows


Roma 21 febbraio 2011. Il Coordinamento Salviamo L’Ospedale Santa Lucia aderisce alla manifestazione promossa dalle Organizzazioni dei lavoratori della Fondazione, che si terrà domani Martedì 22 febbraio 2011, ore 9.30 in Via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi 7 a Roma (sotto la sede della Regione Lazio).

Il Coordinamento insieme ai lavoratori scende di nuovo in piazza per protestare contro la mancata risoluzione dei problemi delle Fondazione Santa Lucia; la Giunta Regionale del Lazio, with the last one worsens the already delicate situation of the Institute, whose closure is imminent. 900 jobs at risk and the discharge from the center of 1000 people mostly children. The Board

by Decree 9 / 2011 gives the Saint Lucia 160 beds of highly specialized neurorehabilitation intended only to comatose patients after exclusion of virtually all other diseases, creating a dramatic "hole" to assist and depriving the audience in appropriate treatment and rehabilitation. All of this complaint, the Save the Hospital Coordination Saint Lucia, is in sharp contrast to the judgments that had already canceled the Tar similar decrees.

Coordination Save the Hospital Saint Lucia, along with workers, users and parents will be back on the streets to demand that serious measures are undertaken for the survival of the structure, such as national and international research and attention to science and may recognized the high specialization of all the beds. Only in this way the Foundation can be that the health and social heritage which belongs to the world of disability in terms of aggregation, integration and sport.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Precarious against Vodafone "foreclosed desks" Network Port Franca Wild

L'azienda ignora una sentenza del giudice del lavoro, si rifiuta di riammettere in servizio due dipendenti, non paga loro gli stipendi né gli arretrati. E i lavoratori si rivolgono nuovamente al tribunale.

Vodafone ignora una sentenza del giudice del lavoro, si rifiuta di riammettere in servizio due dipendenti, non paga loro gli stipendi né gli arretrati. E i lavoratori, assistiti dall'avvocato Andrea Danilo Conte, dopo aver dichiarato più volte la disponibilità a riprendere il servizio e dopo aver chiesto invano alla azienda di dare esecuzione integrale alla sentenza, si sono di nuovo rivolti al tribunale, che ha emesso un decreto ingiuntivo ordinando a Vodafone di pagare gli stipendi.

L'azienda non ha ottemperato and then the workers, through the bailiff, they proceeded to seize the headquarters of Vodafone Campi Bisenzio desks of seven, seven and six cabinet seats, the total value of approximately € 4,850, which will be auctioned off in a few days. The sale is expected to cover two months' salary (April and May 2010). Conte's lawyer is preparing the documents to get the orders to pay for another eight months.

"How is it possible - you ask the union flm-Cub United Telecommunications sector - that a big company like Vodafone can come to that and not feel the obligation to comply with the rulings of the court of the Italian job, as is for any other citizen? ". La Vodafone fa sapere che "è prossima la discussione della sentenza presso la Corte di Appello di Firenze, occasione per proseguire il dialogo con i lavoratori per verificare una possibile soluzione della controversia".

La posta in gioco è strategica. Al centro della causa, la questione del lavoro precario e dei limiti entro i quali una azienda può ricorrervi. Alberto P., 43 anni, e Pasquale C., 46, erano stati assunti dal call center Vodafone di Ospedaletto (Pisa) una prima volta dal 24 maggio al 31 agosto 2004 e una seconda dal 18 ottobre 2004 al 31 gennaio 2005. La direttiva europea 70 del '99 sul lavoro a tempo determinato, recepita in Italia dal decreto 368 del 2001, impone ai datori di lavoro di esporre le ragioni obiettive justifying the use of forward contracts, indicating the "specific and timely needs," the company (for example, the increased activity during the summer at a hotel or a factory of ice cream). In 2004, the call center Ospedaletto were employed about 600 workers, including about 50 temporary workers, with a constant turnover. Taking a term by Pasquale C. and Albert P. Vodafone was justified by "needs more staff activities related to the increase of customer support in connection with promotions and new products and services provided by commercial summer / autumn 2004" (as the first intake) and "Autumn / Winter 2004 -2005 "(As for the second). The two

were recruited to the task of "technical customer service, full time. Their task, like that about two thirds of its staff both stable and unstable, was to respond to the number 190 (support and information) and about 30% of cases carrying the "relaunch", ie, in trade prospects. According to the workers, there were, during their period of employment, special product promotions, and in 2004 a real peak of calls occurred for three weeks.

In ruling filed June 17, 2008, the Labour Court, Pisa Rugiu Roberta Santoni wrote: "All contracts of Vodafone were justified by the same reason as those challenged here (Increases due to promotions), and then being able to assume that the use of the usual time for production reasons were given a choice of personnel policy does not set the assessment (preliminary and final) of peak production. "We therefore void the contract clause that justified the term, the court said "the existence among the parties to an employment for an indefinite period and the related right of applicants to their release to service".

The February 8 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

What Do You Write In A Wedding Card


Direction From the start, however, we hope that a final settlement

Directorate Saint Lucia Foundation IRCCS learned from news agency reports that the President of Lazio Region, Renata Polverini, last night signed a decree for the accreditation of beds for neuro-rehabilitation facility in via Ardeatina. The Directors of the Institute has not yet been able to examine fully and officially the new measures but meanwhile notes that the content does not conform to the previously established by the Lazio Regional Administrative Court. The Administrative Court, in fact, stayed the previous two decrees issued by the Government Marrazzo - n. 41 and n. 56, 2009 - Saint Lucia Foundation, which would remove the highly specialized and in December 2010 confirmed that the region must take account of such precedent in issuing further measures in this regard.

Foundation Saint Lucia hopes, however, that after repeated announcements, with this measure as insufficient, we finally start to a definitive solution for the Institute, subject to any ruling by the TAR and crediting back all the beds of highly specialized removed with previous decrees. At the same time again, calls for the initiation of a time schedule, by signing an agreement setting out specific steps and timetables to remedy all the problems of the Foundation, including the high outstanding debt (approximately EUR 93 million) since 2005, the Region cumulated against IRCCS.

In particular, with regard to the technical board of the Law Department of the Region and the Foundation, called Mr. Polverini, the Director of the Institute points out that this is part of a further 20 meetings that have so far been totally inconclusive. Therefore, the leadership of the Foundation hope that with today's announcement, the president of the region should give a real change of pace in the negotiations underway with the current council since its establishment, with the desire to maintain - as she herself pointed out - the commitments made in person and save a structure of excellent reputation, which is indispensable to the citizens and of prestige for the region, Roma Capitale and the country's health system.

Rome, February 10 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Alice In Wonderlandparty Cake Toppers

first part: there really is to rejoice? UGL


in meeting held in Milan on February 2 there 'much to add from the various releases of letters arrived, but we would like to make some clarifications as RSU also made aware of all aspects that have revolved around this meeting.

First we would like to emphasize the anger AS WORKERS AND FORMER WORKERS ESPECIALLY AS VODAFONE where the PDR was not just a joke, with regard to this sentence in the press unit of CGIL, CISL, UIL:

"As we express great national secretariats satisfaction with the successful challenge by the union and employees who believed in the agreement of Network Port but we believe that this is only a first step in the right direction to channel and leave a deadlock that had not allowed workers now receiving due recognition for their work! "

We are happy for them if they are satisfied with the crumbs that have managed to take us and we had already said, even at meetings, we would have because it was the company itself, meeting in Milan in September to almost guarantee it, but if we think about what we lost and an additional sum of € 250, however, that we would even in the absence of a PDR, we can not be satisfied.

As for satisfaction that the Confederal prove especially, they say, against those who no one has ever believed, "we want to point out here that have not been careful. None of us Have you ever questioned the provision of the PDR, even a minimum amount lavished on that basis.

for several reasons:

-make sense of the agreement signed on;

-try to restore some credibilta 'a union for a long time is no longer 'no one but himself, even more so now that hard times lie ahead in which all workers who need to trust the unions again.

Moreover, these trade unions continue to say "fake" achievements for workers that can be used against We give elsewhere adding to the damage already done when we signed the sale of a business.
Moreover, the lack of transparency and opportunity 'test parameters, the achievement of which determines whether or not the provision of PDR, making it impossible to know for sure how things stand. This agreement on the PDR, in fact, as e 'was written, does not verify anything and is' the Company announced that if the objectives are met or not. Not by chance, and 'was signed by those who believe in and tries to persuade a lot of things from the workers. WHY WE ARE ALSO


Siamo certi che i Lavoratori siano molto piu' intelligenti di quanto questi loro sedicenti rappresentanti credono e ci auguriamo che in occasione delle prossime assemblee ci sara' una forte presa di posizione da parte di tutti coloro che si sono sentiti presi in giro dalle loro ultime comunicazioni.

Non solo, troviamo gravissima la reinternalizzazione in vodafone del reparto STU come di fatto confermato dall'azienda. Come attivita' oggetto di cessione non può essere assolutamente spostata oltre il perimetro di Comdata Care e se l'azienda con cgil, cisl UIL and who continue to indulge, you still move in this direction, at the end of 7 years the contract Vodafone will no longer exist and the consequences of what the good intuition alone! Why nesun word that still does not speak or not to renew the contract with Vodafone
expiry of 7 years?


not read in the press, however, what was said by the company during the meeting on the trattativa di secondo livello, ovvero che non ci sarà perchè non hanno le possibilità economiche per poterla affrontare (ma l'Azienda non ha voluto neanche sentire le richieste a costo zero).Per carità anche discutere dei turni è importante (ma non attraverso commissioni) ma quello che ci interessa maggiormente pensiamo sia una
seria trattativa volta a migliorare le nostre condizioni sotto tutti i punti di vista, vedi l'aumento dei ticket restaurant, il ripristino dei riposi compensativi ecc.


Serena, Monica and Francesca

RSU Care Comdata Rome

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telecommunications - PRESS RELEASE

On February 2, at the offices of Assolombarda, met Comdata Care and the National Secretariat UGL Telecommunications.
The company announced the amounts of the bonuses referred to in the first half of the garments that will lead to this second delivery (payroll in February) for 5 levels before any absences:

Business Consumer
-398 € - 346 € -311 €

E 'was highlighted by the company as the entry thresholds have been exceeded by far, compared with rates of absence, in their view, not physiological.

The delegation noted that UGL Telecommunications remains to be determined how the threshold will be measured for quality personnel, Milan, piùoperante Procurement Vodafone. It may herald changes to the agreement just signed, and in addition, new tools for detection of quality? The writer believes

OS, however, that the effects of the agreement can only be assessed at the next deadline, when the objectives to be achieved will be the real ones.

During the meeting, management has confirmed, than at the time of the sale of the business, the obvious decrease in volume of the Vodafone contract.
Comdata Telecommunications calls on Care to convene the Trade Unions and the trade unions to explain the business strategy in the face of reinternalizzazione of conduct on the part of Vodafone.

Regarding the supplementary contract, we would expect substantial openings from the company, which instead continues to complain of general economic difficulty, perhaps by providing comprehensive answers on the volumes of the various orders.

In our view it would be appropriate to open an immediate comparison with the Trade Unions and the trade unions, in order to identify pathways related to a real policy of corporate welfare, such as the introduction of the vertical part-time, which might contribute to pacify the working environment and find alternative solutions and improvements that do not necessarily fall on business costs.

Rome 02/08/2011 The National Secretariat UGL Telecommunications

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Rome, February 7, 2011

On 2 February, at the headquarters of Assolombarda in Milan, was held the meeting with the 'company Comdata Care and the National Coordinator MSW unified trade unions to SLC-CGIL, CISL and FISTEL-UILCOM-UIL for summarizing the goals of the performance bonus on the first half.

The company has informed us that in the first half (July 1 to December 31, 2010) have reached the first threshold del target con un Ebitda al 40% , una produttività del 5,2% centrata soltanto nell'ultimo bimestre e una qualità raggiunta a livelli massimi nel Business, media nel Cunsumer pari allo zero nel reparto del Credito.

Di fatto i valori economici che verranno erogati sono i seguenti:

V Livello FULL TIME:

Credito: 311 euro

Consumer: 346 euro (commessa Fastweb)

Business: 398 euro.

Come Segreterie Nazionali esprimiamo grande soddisfazione per la scommessa vinta dal sindacato e dai lavoratori che hanno creduto nell'accordo del PdR ma riteniamo che questo sia solo un primo passo per incanalarci nella direzione giusta ed uscire da una situazione di stasi che non aveva permesso ad oggi ai lavoratori di percepire il giusto riconoscimento al loro lavoro!

Di contro però proprio per dare un seguito costruttivo a quanto ottenuto, dobbiamo segnalare che l'azienda precisa che permane ancora un problema legato alle malattie, denunciandone ancora un tasso molto alto che potrebbe impattare sull'Ebitda e sulla produttività.

Come Organizzazioni sindacali abbiamo richiesto che venga convocata in tempi brevi la Commissione Premio di Risultato per istituire i parametri di qualità sulle nuove attività che i colleghi di Comdata Care svolgono quotidianamente (Milano per le commesse energia e Roma per Fastweb) , ma anche per rivedere i parametri di target qualità sul credito che non ci hanno convinto nell'interpretazione dell'azienda.

Per quanto riguarda il secondo livello riteniamo opportuno e necessario migliorare la qualità della vita lavorativa intervenendo sui temi come la turnistica o l'utilizzo del part-time verticale, a tal proposito abbiamo richiesto la costituzione di una Commissione Nazionale Paritetica (un delegato per organizzazione) per trovare le condizioni di un'intesa quadro e successivamente trovare accordi a livello territoriale per permettere di trovare soluzioni che si calino nelle realtà locali.

L'incontro è poi proseguito su altri temi ma di altrettanta importanza:

1) Supporto Tecnico di Ivrea: la delegazione ha richiesto un tavolo triangolare con il Committente Vodafone to clarify some aspects of the project was implemented, because now we understand that part of the process of the calls that were handled by the department are taken into the house Vodafone. We were not satisfied with the explanation given by the company and as SLC-CGIL, CISL and UILCOM Fistel-Uil-we need real answers from the customer with a future projection on the current management. This request does not mean that as a union wants to remain at a model monocommessa, indeed our hope that under the hat can be more Comdatacare facilitate the entry of new orders to bring new life and skills for workers, but we consider necessary a serious answer about what is going on!

2) Wind Naples Job: The Company has informed us that they have reached a commercial agreement for a further year on the job by ensuring the management on that site.

3) Holiday on April 25, coinciding with the Easter Monday: How Trade Unions have called for compliance with the provisions of the contract and the law: all workers must receive 1 \\ 26 of monthly salary for not taking the holiday of liberation staying at home this week working holiday in 4 days.

Those who are called to work will receive for each hour of overtime compensation for work performed on public holidays is not the only extra work that week and 5 days.

Chi invece è in turno e chiede un permesso parziale o per tutta la giornata non percepirà lo straordinario festivo, ma tutto il resto (1\26) e ovviamente, ma non devono essere tolte ore giorno di ferie.

4) Sito di Padova: visto lo spiacevole evento che domenica scorsa ha visto coinvolti circa 20 colleghi della sede di Padova la richiesta da parte delle delegazione è stata quella di riconoscere le effettive 8 ore di attività lavorativa perché non si può far pagare al lavoratore un'inefficienza tutta aziendale.

Le segreterie Nazionali Slc-cgil, Fistel-Cisl e Uilcom-Uil

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Rome February 8, 2011. The coordinates saved Hospital Saint Lucia, joined the demonstration organized by CIMOP, ADONP and trade unions against the closure of the hospital via Ardeatina 306.
Thursday, February 10, 11:30 am Via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi 7 (under the seat of the regional government of Lazio) will take the protest to prevent the closure of the Foundation. After months of protests on Coordination, together with the union, will come back to the streets to protest against the policy of giunta regionale in tema di sanità. Il piano di rientro della Regione Lazio sta penalizzando l’eccellenza, a rischio 900 posti di lavoro tra dipendenti e ricercatori, con la chiusura della Santa Lucia 1000 utenti, tra cui molti bambini, verranno dimessi dall’ospedale e dovranno interrompere le cure riabilitative che solo la Fondazione può garantire.
“Una perdita per tutto il mondo della disabilità e della sanità pubblica, l’immobilità della giunta nei confronti della Santa Lucia ci lascia sgomenti,- così dichiara Mario De Luca fondatore del Coordinamento Salviamo l’Ospedale Santa Lucia- uno stillicidio fatto di incontri e finanziamenti a singhiozzo che bastano solo a pagare gli stipendi. Una struttura del genere a queste condizioni è destinata a chiudere, e viene posta in condizione di non poter progettare e programmare le proprie attività di riabilitazione, cura, ricerca, didattica e sport. Questa difficoltà economica e politica inevitabilmente si riversa sulle famiglie, sugli utenti e sui lavoratori a cui viene tolta ogni certezza”.
“Già solo con il taglio di 145 posti letto la Fondazione non può sopravvivere, - dichiara Carlo Di Giusto allenatore della squadra di Basket e fondatore del Coordinamento- una struttura che ha dato il massimo in termini di qualità e socialità viene trattata come il fanalino di coda della Regione, dopo decine di manifestazioni torniamo in piazza a chiedere nuovamente che sia riconosciuto il ruolo dell’Ospedale nell’alta specializzazione e che venga inoltre sottolineato il ruolo importantissimo per l’integrazione dei disabili nel campo sportivo e sociale. Il coordinamento continuerà a mobilitarsi in tutti i modi possibili per fare in modo che l’opinione pubblica sappia cosa sta accadendo nella nostra regione dove il diritto alla salute dovrebbe essere l’unico interesse della politica”.
Appuntamento giovedì 10 febbraio 2011, ore 11.30 manifestazione sotto la Regione Lazio.

Il Coordinamento Salviamo l’Ospedale Santa Lucia