Monday, February 14, 2011

Gold Desert Eagle Airsoft Pistol

Precarious against Vodafone "foreclosed desks" Network Port Franca Wild

L'azienda ignora una sentenza del giudice del lavoro, si rifiuta di riammettere in servizio due dipendenti, non paga loro gli stipendi né gli arretrati. E i lavoratori si rivolgono nuovamente al tribunale.

Vodafone ignora una sentenza del giudice del lavoro, si rifiuta di riammettere in servizio due dipendenti, non paga loro gli stipendi né gli arretrati. E i lavoratori, assistiti dall'avvocato Andrea Danilo Conte, dopo aver dichiarato più volte la disponibilità a riprendere il servizio e dopo aver chiesto invano alla azienda di dare esecuzione integrale alla sentenza, si sono di nuovo rivolti al tribunale, che ha emesso un decreto ingiuntivo ordinando a Vodafone di pagare gli stipendi.

L'azienda non ha ottemperato and then the workers, through the bailiff, they proceeded to seize the headquarters of Vodafone Campi Bisenzio desks of seven, seven and six cabinet seats, the total value of approximately € 4,850, which will be auctioned off in a few days. The sale is expected to cover two months' salary (April and May 2010). Conte's lawyer is preparing the documents to get the orders to pay for another eight months.

"How is it possible - you ask the union flm-Cub United Telecommunications sector - that a big company like Vodafone can come to that and not feel the obligation to comply with the rulings of the court of the Italian job, as is for any other citizen? ". La Vodafone fa sapere che "è prossima la discussione della sentenza presso la Corte di Appello di Firenze, occasione per proseguire il dialogo con i lavoratori per verificare una possibile soluzione della controversia".

La posta in gioco è strategica. Al centro della causa, la questione del lavoro precario e dei limiti entro i quali una azienda può ricorrervi. Alberto P., 43 anni, e Pasquale C., 46, erano stati assunti dal call center Vodafone di Ospedaletto (Pisa) una prima volta dal 24 maggio al 31 agosto 2004 e una seconda dal 18 ottobre 2004 al 31 gennaio 2005. La direttiva europea 70 del '99 sul lavoro a tempo determinato, recepita in Italia dal decreto 368 del 2001, impone ai datori di lavoro di esporre le ragioni obiettive justifying the use of forward contracts, indicating the "specific and timely needs," the company (for example, the increased activity during the summer at a hotel or a factory of ice cream). In 2004, the call center Ospedaletto were employed about 600 workers, including about 50 temporary workers, with a constant turnover. Taking a term by Pasquale C. and Albert P. Vodafone was justified by "needs more staff activities related to the increase of customer support in connection with promotions and new products and services provided by commercial summer / autumn 2004" (as the first intake) and "Autumn / Winter 2004 -2005 "(As for the second). The two

were recruited to the task of "technical customer service, full time. Their task, like that about two thirds of its staff both stable and unstable, was to respond to the number 190 (support and information) and about 30% of cases carrying the "relaunch", ie, in trade prospects. According to the workers, there were, during their period of employment, special product promotions, and in 2004 a real peak of calls occurred for three weeks.

In ruling filed June 17, 2008, the Labour Court, Pisa Rugiu Roberta Santoni wrote: "All contracts of Vodafone were justified by the same reason as those challenged here (Increases due to promotions), and then being able to assume that the use of the usual time for production reasons were given a choice of personnel policy does not set the assessment (preliminary and final) of peak production. "We therefore void the contract clause that justified the term, the court said "the existence among the parties to an employment for an indefinite period and the related right of applicants to their release to service".

The February 8 2011


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