Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Beautiful Agony Login

All that Jean Michel Basquiat would never have dared to think, maybe

is strange. But by fearful, at the Milan Triennale, where it is stuck on walls all that remains of Jean Michel Basquiat. There is the his gaze, his hand, his time, an incalculable amount of time, spent a scar surfaces and colors to mix and record his name in capital letters on the walls History. In his paintings, what is known: heads, bones, rings, ladders, crazy machines and the traffic light colors, you are stuck there, a bit ', and let you pass, not without a storm of thoughts in mind, not no rust and the breakdown between the thoughts of the world. In the middle of the square, there are photos but also videos, small pieces of life printed on some films, Basquiat and there to walk, and put in spray entire neighborhoods, with long sentences, quick, sharp and paradoxical. It is not that he wrote all over the sentences. There were places that were more throat. The intact walls of art galleries, for example. He knew that sooner or later would have ended there, in that nest protected in that den of speculators. Meanwhile, although no one knew his name, left his mark, his mortgage on the future. And the photos, movie clips, with all that movement, strives to bring a lot in life. But if you want to hear still JM Basquiat, you must go to the pictures and burn your visit there before, even though the back and short legs allow. So we come back, we walk in the middle, between the pictures I see references, and connections, and the purity and timeless flashing blue, yellow, red, black. But I'm not the only one in the halls. Other people buzzing in there, field glasses, are stepping forward to look better, and then pull back all their own, not only to see the detail in a wide range, but to escape contamination, not to be touched by rust and by the disintegration of the world. It is a feeling that is added to the fear of entering where it is attached to the walls, Basquiat. And the feeling is more strong and solid, as I observe letters painted on almost every picture: every picture a word or letters trembling voice or decided, or names and disc titles. What is really explosive is that you seem to be the street, when a museum that holds you with its forms and its elegance el'immacolato white surface. And not just in the street, graffiti spray touching huge buildings, but also in the process of any place where someone, despite the smell, took a pen and began marking the walls, the door, in a manner that is obscene, no academy behind. Jean Michel Basquiat, sure, he knew everything. And for a long time, himself, before ending up in galleries, trendy among the parties and canapé in the mouth to the speculators on Wall Street, had left its mark on trains, subways, buildings, wherever he could return to scratch art primitive and prehistoric energy, with zero final collections: only the glory petite to see your name, your figures, carved somewhere on the grayness of the world. That thing, he must be left in the lead up to the end. And I feel full, while Basquiat is attached to the wall. As I heard, the first time, an exhibition of Andy Warhol, but Warhol was working on the imaginary obscene and not degraded roads, but on the bright glare of publicity, television, products for the masses. They poured through the streets and the lights of the world, the periphery and the center of the world, in museums, those two. They're done to break down, once and for all, the idea that museums are an Indian reservation, a place where genius and safeguard sgregolatezza to use & consumption of the art market. As small white candy boxes, museum institutions, glittering in the mud of daily life. Only Basquiat and Warhol, with their works, they sent the mud inside the favors, and debris that seem beautiful, and we believe that moving ruins. Have given a clear - aesthetically valuable, certainly recognizable - the ashes and glitter of the world: and this was their ability . And I, in the midst of their works, I feel just that. The same concern when I am alone on the street. The same attraction and pain - for me, for everyone - when I look at the advertising, television, and all the intelligence necessary to make the golden light and the TV and advertising. But all this, Jean Michel Basquiat, perhaps no one has ever thought of. He only became evident. And his paintings are there for us.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Who Draws Maxine Cartoons?


Margaret Hilda Roberts Thatcher , nasce il 13 Ottobre del 1925 , figlia di un droghiere che si era faticosamente conquistato il suo posto ad Oxford . Dopo una serie di studi regolari, che non evidenziano in lei nessuna particolare dote straordinaria sul piano intellettuale (anche se si notava certamente il fatto che fosse intelligente), si dedica agli studi di chimica, laureandosi all'università di Oxford. Dal 1947 al 1951 lavora come chimico nella research, but in 1953, having also trained as a lawyer, accountant becomes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in rehashing the past this lady that has deeply marked the history of his country, but all the witnesses agreed to call a person with an incredible fighting spirit, great common sense and an extraordinary political insight. Once dropped in the ranks of the political right English, in fact, had the merit, when everybody was already assumed the decline of Britain, has challenged the "whip " and that he had returned to his countrymen's pride of being English, and even employed them in a likely war against Argentina in defense of the forgotten islands Falkland . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the Conservative Party , is then elected to the House of Commons in 1959 covering, among other things, the role of Minister for Education and Science in the Heath government for four years, from 1970 to 1974 . After the Conservative defeat in the elections of 1974 , challenge Heath for the leadership of his party and winning in 1975. Four years after leading the party to victory, promising to stop the economic decline of British and reduce the state's role in the economy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Margaret Thatcher fund 'the its policy on the idea that " the company 'does not exist . There are only individuals, men and women, and there are families . The "purge Thatcherite" then consisted essentially in the deregulation of labor and capital markets, privatization of nationalized industries, those that the British state had assumed as a result of war, economic depression and socialist ideology. The result? He said she (and they confirm, according to analysts, macroeconomic data): " We have reduced the government deficit and we have repaid the debt. We strongly cut the income tax base and even taxes plus' high. And to do what 'we firmly reduced public spending as a percentage of national product. We have reformed trade union law and regulations unnecessary. We've created a virtuous circle: pulling back the government have given way to the private sector and so' the private sector generated more 'growth, which in turn has allowed solid finances and low taxes. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His political action, in short, is based on liberal that " the government can 'do little good and much that it hurts and then hand the scope of government must be kept to a minimum 'and that' and 'possession of property' that has a psychological effect is mysterious but no less real: the care for their offers training in becoming responsible citizens. The properties have a 'from' independence against a man government too intrusive. For most of us the nodes of the property by forcing us duties which we might otherwise avoid: to continue with the metaphor prevent us from falling in the margins. Encourage people to buy property 'and save money' was much more 'of an economic program'. It was, in fact, " the implementation of a program that put an end to society 'based on a single generation, putting the its place is a democracy founded on the possession of capital . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Encouraged by the success of its policy on the Falkland Islands in 1982, leads the Conservatives to a great victory in the elections of June 1983 . October 1984 escapes an assassination attempt it explodes Irish Republican extremists in a bomb at the Grand Hotel in Brighton during a party congress. Victorious again in June 1987 becomes the first British prime minister in the twentieth century to get three consecutive terms . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The "Lady of iron ", so nicknamed for his steady hand and the decision has brought with its reforms, has voluntarily left Downing Street , resigning in November 1990 in full Gulf crisis, especially in Due to some disagreements within the party about his tax policy and its Euroscepticism. About the Middle East crisis, in some interviews the former Conservative leader said in an unofficial capacity for its surprise war ended too quickly and without the annihilation of the Iraqi dictator: "When you start a job what matters' do it all the way, and well. Saddam and instead 'still there' and the question in the Gulf and not ' unopened "(Come to deny that he was completely right!). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today Margaret Thatcher, became Baroness Notes with satisfaction the program that presumably you have not had time to finish applied by the party " progressive" by Blair and the Conservative Party who has driven from Downing Street shredded . Some analysts, some political scientist or sometimes even a few party leaders openly declare that their problems would take a Thatcher in order to apply the English cure to their country. The " thathcherismo ", in fact, has created something that will influence, for at least a generation, the course of world events. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The historical significance of Margaret Thatcher, in brief, and 'word that it was the first in Europe to pursue a policy based on the need' to fight statism and to identify private enterprise and free market means best to boost the economy of a country.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

How To Tell That Scorpio Is Serious About You

William Kidd: "The Captain Unlucky "

Captain Kidd's story that Serves as a cautionary, warning of the dangers of privateeringand of the blurry line between that occupation and outright piracy.
In December, 1695, a privateering vessel named the Adventure Galley was launched at Deptford, England, on the Thames River. The ship was to sail around Africa and destroy pirates operating in the Red Sea and to harass French shipping there. She was commanded by William Kidd, an experienced captain and privateer.

The Galley's maiden voyage was beset by ill luck and delay. Upon departure Kidd promptly lost almost half of his crew to the English navy's press gangs and was forced to make up the missing men by recruiting the dregs and scum of New York harbor. It took five long months for Kidd to make the voyage around Africa, and on arrival he immediately lost another fifty men to a tropical disease.
By the time he reached the Red Sea the surviving crewmen were almost in open mutiny and Kidd was ready to resort to almost any means to keep them in line. Unfortunately, most of the French shipping had been driven out of the area, and all Kidd encountered were neutral vessels. But Kidd was desperate, probably fearing for his life, and he attacked and captured a number of neutrals, believing (or hoping) that ambiguities in their ownership and papers made them legitimate prizes.
On January 30th of 1698, Kidd encountered the Quedah Merchant. Owned by Armenians and flying under false French colors, the Merchant was one of the richest prizes ever taken at sea. Kidd was enormously pleased with his good fortune - until he discovered that the Merchant had an English captain, which made his attack an act of outright piracy. In horror, Kidd ordered that the ship be freed, but his crew angrily refused. Instead, they sailed the ships to the African island of Madagascar and divided the plunder (surprisingly, they gave Kidd a full privateer captain's portion of 40 shares). Then all but a handful of men deserted Kidd for another pirate in the area.
Convinced that he was an innocent victim of the actions of his mutinous crew, Kidd took the remainder of his men back to New England, where he hid some of his treasure before reporting to the local authorities. The authorities made Kidd reveal where he had hidden the treasure, then shipped him back to England in irons.
After rotting in prison for a year, Kidd was put on trial. He was quickly found guilty of piracy and sentenced to be hanged.
Even then his bad luck didn't desert him: the rope broke and it took his executioners two tries to kill him.
(Incidentally, this is the only known instance of a pirate burying any substantial amount of treasure. Most everybody else spent their loot as quickly as they got it.)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Ss Silverdo Rims For Sale

The Bad Plus

Jazz is a genre of music he plays and especially with his past experiences. All the great jazz musicians have spent most of their lives - and their genius - to confront with standard, classic, evergreen . Pointless to ask how many times has been performed My funny valentine , 'Round Midnight , My favorite thing . The jazz that reinterprets jazz is a constant that runs through the history of this type of music. Then appear on the scene The Bad Plus, and certainty of this kind are beginning to waver. Because their music does not have the patina of glorious time that was not pronounced melodies buried in our memory, but its roots directly in the present. Their debut, the now famous "These are the vistas" (Columbia, 2003), is a perfect symbol of the type of work that the band carries on. Out of a total of ten songs, three are covers: Smells like teen spirit Nirvana , Flim by Aphex Twin, Heart of Glass Blondie. And to make matters worse, all the other tracks on the disc does not sound like they just jazz, but most occur in the power of rock, the melodic simplicity of pop, the speed of the unleashed drum'n'bass, and care musical notation of classical music. An incredible music, really. Especially: a compelling music, completely away from the tedious and complicated stuff that you hear in a suit between a yawn and another. And the most surprising thing is not the crazy mix of notes is to get you wherever you are, but that music comes out from a typical jazz training. The piano trio: piano, bass, drums. Insert "Sospicious Activity?" In the player and let the tracks take their course. You will find only a Chariot of Fire brings back memories of music already heard, here made more evocative and powerful. The rest is pure The Bad Plus. Ethan Iverson's piano that he knows is fast and accurate ( Anthem for the Earnest ), or intense noise ( prehensile dream ). David King's drums that sculpts the perfect cadence and pace while embroidered touches and strokes that accelerate the execution ( Rhinoceros Is My Profession ). Reid Anderson's bass to give depth and accuracy the sound that is more rounded and compact ( Let Our Garden Grow ). But it is not easy to divide and assign roles merit. Not the "usual" jazz Keith Jarrett - with all due respect to the Master! - Where every so often a musician begins to improvise in turn, in the silence of others who care for and re-launch and follow the rhythm. collective solos are long, the compositions of The Bad Plus. Musicians who are holding hands, toughness, even when one of them runs and accelerates the time.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Periodontal Disease More Condition_treatment

Marketing and death

Among the endless news you rain down on me when you open a newspaper or watch the news, there's always a vaguely heartbreaking. You just turned the page, or you are there to climb schedules with the remote control in hand, and within seconds your emotional system is revved up, the internal organs follow suit and your facial muscles can not help but to coordinate and overlap amazed to get that air in his face. Your lips are fixed on a "NO!" Disbelief and helplessness. The eyelids repeatedly banging just like when you did not understand or have understood it all too fast. Usually, the news reports the cause and date of death. The death of a famous director, or a well-known writer, viene annunciata con particolare rilievo – gridata in tv, titolata in un grassetto più funereo del solito sui quotidiani – e le immagini del regista, o dello scrittore, sono estrapolate dal lungo continuum spazio-temporale della sua vita, ed è un salmodiare preciso di film riusciti o successi editoriali. Non ci credi ancora, quando la notizia è finita e deve lasciare spazio alla successiva. Proprio perchè new s e successiva – in inglese, notizia e novità si scrivono nello stesso modo – la notizia seguente è stata programmata con cura per toglierti il lucido dagli occhi e riportarti in alto gli angoli della bocca. Ma se è un nome significativo per te, quello del regista o dello scrittore, le strategie emotive dei media non fanno altro che sovraccaricare quel senso di perdita e di fine. In ordine di sparizione, l’ultimo dei registi a lasciarci è stato Robert Altman. Mancherà al Cinema. Soprattutto perchè aveva capito, in tempi di globalizzazione ed intrecci interplanetari, riprendendo la lezione di Charles Dickens, che è impossibile raccontare una storia senza raccontarne altre cento, con i personaggi che si incontrano, si legano, si lasciano, cospirano, tramano, semplicemente si ignorano - personaggi le cui azioni così banali, o non volute, o perfino evitabili, finiscono sempre per influire su destini e storie personali di perfetti sconosciuti. Il cinema, di solito, These stories, his characters, as if instead of the camera had a powerful microscope: isolation, selection, and the singularity of a single protagonist builds exempla and metaphors, but confirms the loss of a wider field and multi-lateral and never hold the chess game of a single pawn. But the thing that most troubles you is that with everything, writer or director who is, you'll soon forget, at least until the time when, the day after , leafing through the newspaper, or by testing skills of Olympic zapping, you will come , in a case which is not a case in the advertising of a book or a movie, or that the writer director, who has just left the pen, causing the sudden sinking of the corners of his mouth. On that book on that film, was deposited something of sacredness of death, something of the sacredness of the life of that character so important to you. And you feel the need immediate, and utterly irresistible, buy it now: not before, not after, now! Who knows what he's selling: he knows that entering the market now that book, the movie is doing so to give satisfaction to a consumer need that is located somewhere at the top of Maslow's pyramid - the top of the pyramid that identifies above all the need of creation self . Nell'astuzia market, knowledge of its chickens. Why, surely, there must be something hidden in all this, of ritual and anthropology. As if buying one of those cultural products, end up bringing home a piece of a corpse, a part of the dead, something that even death and eternal rest to the deceased allows you now, or not long ago, to recall to you, to bring it alive for oblique streets and market. It happens then that book, the movie - that piece of body mass-produced standardized & & bound - will become a fundamental part of your growth, your cognitive development, your sentimental education. Assimilate il morto, farà parte di te, profondamente. E non senza sentire il disagio, del tutto postmoderno , di esserti trovato per un attimo, nel momento di massima comunione con lo scrittore o con il regista, in cima alla Piramide di Maslow, senza neanche sapere nulla di questo Maslow – che faccia avesse, se fosse la moglie a farlo rigare dritto, se lo schema tanto venerato e decisivo per le teorie del marketing gli apparse tra gli scarabocchi di inchiostro, mentre parlava al telefono e giocava con la penna.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Bd Company Strawberries

The lesson of Peter Brook (Part II)

Ok! La teoria è andata. Non resta che misurarsi con la pratica. Così, la settimana dopo la lezione, sono di nuovo al Piccolo Teatro Studio per uno show directed by Peter Brook. The play that I called Sizwe Banzi est mort . It is in French. But the subs are illuminated in white on black display is there to protect and watch over the non-French speakers. I'm sitting on the floor on a cushion. Among others, I can just to cross your legs. Many seem to be doing yoga, and wriggle a lot, although I do not know the names of all the positions they assume. The blessed are the stands, and their eyes are fixed on nothing. I'm going to switch off their mobile friendly and pre-recorded female voice in an elegant Italian counsels us to take out cell phones and various technologies. The play thus begins. The lights dim, and the story is that Styles. Styles is a man black - the color of the skin of the actors is crucial in this story, and that black has no chance of passing, and in the course of events, but it is the pure sign of the difference, and the system of discrimination that backfires Styles has phobia humanity hidden beneath that color, and Styles learns at his own expense. Styles is a black man who works at a Ford factory and spends all day at Ford, and Ford there to understand what it means to the end harassment, even if he has the vocabulary and education is little that is . Of course, harassment, for us viewers, it is almost an understatement. But Styles, who tells in first person, this story unfolds with lightness and irony - and you're there to laugh, and the audience watches as sganascia laughter, one after another, and there's that slapping themselves on the legs and reward with explosive laughter and unison the story of that poor man who becomes an ass like the Ford, while after the laughing is the recoil guilt and feel that - even if you laugh with Styles and Styles of - have a bitter taste, and there's no way to avoid this medicine. After all, Styles, is one who knows her: at the first opportunity to leave Ford and, with the savings of years at Ford, buy a camera store. And customers go from there, and Styles would frame their dreams in those photographs, only one, when one day Robert is to cross the door of his shop. Robert is the second protagonist of the play. Robert's story is even more dramatic and emotionally disturbing to hear. The drama lies in the fact that Robert is Robert, but Sizwe Banzi: a black man, without documents, who works where he can, always hiding, because if you catch him back in South Africa, its land, and find the street to beg for pennies with all his large family. Sizwe Banzi is big, big, and the despair it darkens, and one night he goes for the desperation pass in a bar and gets drunk, and staggers out when he does the ever urgent need to pee, drunk and without notice, then piss on something that will prove to be a corpse, another black man lying on the ground - (cut plot and a otherwise the character would be long) - and sees Banzi, searches his pockets, is this document made out to Robert, and though a thousand torments & & inner dilemmas Very difficult to say take those documents, makes them his own, plus the name and identity of Sizwe Banzi finally disappear when Sizwe Banzi becomes Robert, a black man with documents. The tragedy here, too, emerges from the laughter, and recoil from the guilt of laughter is the worst thing ever. However, the effort to do is: imagine as Peter Brook has staged this story. Styles, Robert, the two actors who provide the flesh to the characters, are immersed in an area completely bare. In empty theater, anything to give the impression of a traditional set. Only cartoon, two sacks, a stick, stools made from boxes, frames of iron with two wheels to make them move, a shoe. That's it. But the absence, the disappearance of the world, only takes a few seconds. Because the actors through words, gestures and precise as sharp, and the skill with which have their own body, fleshing out quickly the scene, the damage thickness, make it alive and vibrant. It is empty around, but it's a very empty and chaotic full real . And we viewers in the desert of the room, with only two actors in front of a backdrop and gone, we are like the actors, with our whole body. The imagination is revved up: reviewing and gestures, words, tone of those words, the accuracy of movements, rebuild - without ever having views - factories, cities, roads, and there in the middle , (we are here just for this), we meet Robert and Styles, and more until we break them off the applause is not empathy. Sure, there's something capital in this way of making theater. The test is the force with which everything is vivid and well laid out in memory. I try to understand. And, from the desert of the theater, there are two figures . On the one hand, Peter Brook: trying to tell a story without telling you all about that history gives you time, the pace of events, but first removes the space and the reality of events. And on the other, the viewer: that on the track of the time, setting in motion an incredible amount of neurons, reconstructs the space of that history, and sees, and sees it as if we lived in the middle, trying directly 'horror of that history, all the despair - the climax of the play is when Banzi trips over the corpse, but what the two actors actually called corpse is a shoe, a shoe and brown undone, and the viewer is in desperate while re-establishing neuronal tumult of the shoe features and horror of a corpse and cold in the middle of the road. Then I look at this way of making theater a double responsibility: the responsibility of those who orchestrate and decides to tell that story with rigor (Peter Brook), and the responsibility of those who have perfectly reconstruct the history of space to feel the full pain and dismay (the consumers). There is very little step in this theatrical form: to find all reality, its horrors, is a collective duty, and this happens regularly at every performance.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

554 Sorry, Message Looks Like Spam To Me Exchange

The lesson of Peter Brook (Part I)

By Peter Brook, until a couple of weeks ago, I did not know much. I knew the name, which was a world-renowned theater director, that the admiration and applause never ended flakes from its parts - in short, it is clear that if you go to see with your eyes, what you get is pure marketing and characters artfully constructed and incense of the press releases. So, I went to hear his lecture at the Piccolo Teatro Studio in Milan. Check that is already full. The best places are all occupied. Lovers cooing and whispering, and sway, and are arranged without creating disorder. The heat in the room definitely has a strange connection with their emotional temperature. You can not avoid reading the word Master on their lips. Then comes Peter Brook. If you've never seen you surprised to see this little old man who walks amid the applause, very British in appearance and bearing, but at eighty played with jeans, sneakers and a black leather jacket. Fonzie seems to be great, when he lost hair tuft grease, and life has already given us everything, and it is a healthy carrier of Experience. It sits on a chair. It is exactly in the center of our attention. To his left: a guy in the turtleneck sweater from the sixties more intellectual black patent leather shoes that shine a very long while asking questions Brook, some really embarrassing, like the one on the contribution given by the actors blacks to his theater. To his right: the translator, long hair and boots, that sometimes, instead of translating what he hears, smiles and nods - like Peter Brook addressed directly to her, not knowing the audience - and while he smiles and nods, interprets but often misinterprets and apologizes, retraces his steps, and contains the words for what they are, with their precise meaning, and nothing più. Comunque, niente di meglio che avere una traduttrice dalla nostra. Peter Brook, divertito e completamente a suo agio in mezzo ad estimatori ipnotizzati, avverte che la sua lezione subirà la seguente variazione linguistica: l’italiano per i saluti e l’introduzione, l’inglese per gli argomenti terra terra, il francese per le discussioni intellettuali. Il pubblico ride. Gli stereotipi linguistico-culturali sono sani e salvi perfino qui, ma il modo in cui sono presentati è chiaramente ironico , ed è una cosa del tutto fatata godere degli stereotipi mentre li evidenzi e li smagnetizzi con l’ironia iniziale. Non faccio in tempo ad uscire da questo pensiero, che Peter Brook, il suo inglese slow and peaceful, they fill the empty space of the theater. The focus is skyrocketing. And even the questions and long-intellectuals like the guy seems to break the attention. Only Peter Brook to tell his adventures: the African type, where every day, he and his crew come into a different town, and without knowing the language, without grasping the culture, with theatrical forms that play primarily on the gestures and body, groped there to communicate and share experience & humanity & other ways to encode life. And the idea is that of Peter Brook to get to the heart of things, you create a vacuum around things, discover nude - such as theater, that needs no grandiose sets and costumes strophic, and spectacular machines, but only of empty space and actors who live in that space until the end, with their whole body - the body's energy, accuracy mimetic of the body. Obviously, it's in French that says these things. He tells her before sending them on his head a phrase that will never forget: "The theater is a mirror of society, and the mirror does not need gold frames. Box office hit. And I'm thinking about this and ask about the Chinese theater and how to become filmmakers - that question has no answer except: the more you give us in with the director, the more you learn: the fashions, the teachers, with stuff the expiry date. The audience in a trance. Silence and concentration that lasts as long as Peter Brook does not get up, and runs to lead evidence before the show, and fans with the word Master in his teeth and hands red phones on again with applause.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Parts Of A Ship Diagram

Diary of the board: 's University as Limit Experience

Now that it's over, now that the fence where young minds graze and chew theory does not contain me anymore, now that I do not I see more bleating inside the fence and sit for days on the ideas of others, only now I realize what was the University, and as I grazed and ruminated and bleating and hatched. Just put one foot out, and the world unfolds beginning right from under your foot, and Horizon is not just what you have before, but meadows crossed by new boundaries - other ways to close and reach out and protect themselves and be called - remember that it was not a space like the others, that enclosure. That we had lived well in there. And browsing knowledge in the company was not too bad: a strange way of cultivating friendship, and sharpen the sense of sharing. But understanding the fence, I was not given while we were in the middle. You lived it, traverse it in his circle, to explore the center and the periphery of the fence, thinking that one day he'd had a vision. And the overall view reaches you now, when the memory is already clean, everything in order, without a stain, remember that you belong to the end because it defines the age at which burned and ruminating, and all this you enough. So, before anything else, thanks to the overview - an image taken from above, almost an aerial survey - in particular understand that fence was the university that you lived 'experience of limitation . Especially: your limit. Let's say you're in a classroom, and that the human landscape around you have chaotically along the arc of the half-cycle, and the air turns as the case of students between the sleepy and the principle of inertia, and that some of the guys if they are fiercely and silently on the sidelines while others with new age ways tell of what has easy and reckless and extremely engaging their sex life and that of the blue is a professor with a beard at first sight and the untreated right tone of color of the tie, a professor who takes off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, takes the microphone, says Good morning, and then give yourself time without surprises you with behind-the semiotic model Enunciazionale and the whole history of the text and Simulacra text. We have for a moment that it happened. That, like a thousand other occasions, it was an experience of limit: that you put to the test, and have now confirmed the finitude and the reduced size of your learning. In seconds, you have to be understood literally limited, wearing a little so you know, that did not feel anyone. And to avoid feeling scientifically None - a meteor solitary and invisible to the elliptical orbit around planets immense - you begin to concentrate and take notes and catch up. Let your pen flow while your young mind absorbs and begins to hatch. And all the time spent brooding and ruminating is key - usually in the pasture fence, for something like five or six years, a lifetime, once truly endless. And what at first appeared as a limit is further as a threshold : an open door to a new field of knowledge. A new field of knowledge and enter fearful, with the first tentative forays, and then we run about in the long and wide, challenging Point Of View & authority on the subject. This mechanism is central to the University: Application and Limitations of the method are many thresholds to cross. Obviously, not all limits, in the long run, prove thresholds. I, the Economy, I never could really understand. In that field of knowledge, there are always went with someone who accompanied me, and the visit did not last that the time of examination. It is a very special area, the economy. A ghostly, vaguely post schizoide nei confronti della vita quotidiana. L’astrazione elevata a potenza. (Sono convinto che molti provano questo nei confronti della Semiotica, o di qualsiasi altra scienza, e questo la dice lunga sulla persistenza dei limiti). Ma l’esperienza dei limiti non finisce mica qui. Mettiamo che molto tempo fa un tuo limite è diventato una soglia, e che quella soglia l’hai attraversata così tante volte che all’ingresso c’è il tappetino del casa-dolce-casa ad accoglierti, e che in quel campo di sapere ti sei spinto così lontano da arrivare a vederne i bordi e i confini. Questa volta è l’esperienza di un Limite sia interno sia esterno a te stesso. Il tuo limite su quel sapere coincide con un limite più generale - Edge of knowledge on which many have ventured. Usually, you're on that edge when you write the thesis. And the argument, at best, resemble edge diaries written by those who have gone further unfold and see new lands and continents away. The experience of the limit that moves as you move yourself. Mica kilometers. Only a few steps. But that's where you see that the fence that you have hosted whole season has had its day. This is a reminder of new and more adventurous and less traveled areas. Mirage is what to call you out.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Yellow Eagle Scooter Wheels

Blackbeard: Terror of the Seven Seas"

Edward Drummond, born in England in 1680 , was destined to become one of the most 'great pirates of seafaring history. Become a pirate during the War of English Succession , was so 'in love with his work that he decided to filibuster not stop even at the end of the war booty! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ become an outlaw, he took to plunder any ship encounters on its route, including those of his compatriots, thus attracting 'dela ire on the fleet of his Majesty' in Britain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Operating under the pseudonym "Edward Teach " killed, rockets, 'looting' and awe 'for years the east coast of North America (sometimes even taking advantage of naive some of your colleagues, remember Stede Bonnet ). His nickname " Blackbeard" was due to the unkempt beard he grew on his face and made him look like a battle in "black devil out from the depths of hell . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His adventurous life studded large firms, and brutal killings, ended in a battle! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stopping in a secluded bay to make repairs to his ship was caught with only nineteen men with more than two English ships' 60-man crew! The British commander Robert Maynard, the challenge 'to a duel after Blackbeard had boarded his ship and forced to flee the second English vessel. The duel was about to turn in favor of the attacker, it had disarmed his opponent, but the number of English was too higher than that of the pirates and this saw to it that Blackbeard was surrounded and killed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His career as a pirate however, was exemplary! He was also one of the few famous pirates (not Morgan who became Governor of Jamaica) to not die on the gallows, but in battle! Unless 'so' the honor and also in his last fight proved 'its fantastic fighter skills, becoming' a symbol for all Pirates of the Caribbean ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Blackbeard: "The Strongest Pirate of the Seven Seas" JOAN OF ARC


Born Edward Drummond in England in 1680 , the pirate known as " Blackbeard " learned his trade as an English privateer during the War of English Succession . When that war ended in 1714 he drifted into outright piracy, operating up and down the North American East Coast , attacking English shipping and anything else that came within his grasp.


Blackbeard operated under the pseudonym of " Edward Teach ." His nickname came from the beard that he let grow to cover almost his entire face. In combat, he stuck burning slowmatch (a slow-burning fuse used to fire cannon) under his hat; with his face wreathed in smoke and flame, he was said to resemble a fiend from hell.
Legends about Blackbeard's ferocity abound . Once, while he and his navigator were peacefully drinking in Blackbeard's cabin, the pirate pulled out a pistol and shot the man in the knee without warning. When asked why he had crippled the navigator, Teach replied that if he did not now and again kill one of them, his crew would forget who he was.


Blackbeard met his end in the fall of 1718 in the narrow channels of Ocracoke Inlet , where he had stopped to refit his vessel. There he and nineteen men were discovered by a superior English force of two sloops carrying 60 men. Blackbeard and his men fought fiercely despite the odds. His first broadside blasted one sloop right out of the battle, and his second almost cleared the deck of the remaining sloop. Blackbeard then rammed the second sloop and led his men to the attack, where he found himself facing Lieutenant Robert Maynard , the commander of the vessel.


Maynard and Blackbeard both had pistols, which they fired at nearly point-blank range. Blackbeard's shot missed the Lieutenant, while Maynard's hit Blackbeard in the body . But Blackbeard didn't fall. Instead he took a swing at Maynard with his cutlass, shattering the astonished Englishman's sword with one mighty blow.
But before Blackbeard could finish the helpless Maynard, another British sailor attacked him from the side, slashing his throat so badly that blood gushed everywhere. Still Blackbeard fought on, but soon he was surrounded by English sailors, and they hacked and cut at him until he finally toppled over, dead. Seeing their leader fall, the remaining pirates also surrendered.


The short battle had been remarkably bloody and savage. Of the nineteen pirates, ten were dead and the surviving nine were all wounded. Of Maynard's crew of 35, ten were killed and 24 wounded. Maynard examined Blackbeard's body and found that he had taken five bullet wounds and twenty cutlass blows before finally succumbing to death.

He was without any doubt the greatest pirate of the seven seas !!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I Have Two Polyps In My Gall Bladder

Maid of Orlean (1412 - 1431) Bartholomew Portuguese

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ Illiterate, daughter of farmers, thirteen years was persuaded to have been chosen by God to save France from the Hundred Years' War wounded. Examples of women who built 'the story without suffering wrong. For necklaces "Great Women of Superimago" Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orleans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The life and work of Joan of Arc ( 1412 to 1431 ) are contained in the final phase of the war that saw opposing France and England (conventionally regarded as the Hundred Years War ) , whose causes were fundamentally dynastic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ historiography has enormous importance to this war that is intertwined with historical events that characterize "the crisis of the fourteenth century" destined to endure into the next century: the spread of Black Death ( 1348), the guerrilla peasant in France (jacquerie), millenarianism - apocalyptic revolutionary peasant English, supported by the preacher John Ball , the struggle between the Armagnacs and Burgundians, the Avignon captivity ( 1308 to 1378 ) and the Great Schism ( 1378 to 1417 ). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joan of Arc born in the village of Domrémy today Domremy la Pucelle in the Vosges, (left bank of the Meuse), which was part of the County Bar of the world divided then even a small village as Domrémy was divided in two: half belonged to the Duke Renato D'Anjou and half to the French king . Burgundians were the inhabitants of the nearby village of Maxey , while across the river lived the "fideles" of the Duke of Lorraine , vassal of the Roman Germanic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As with other French villages Domrémy was prey to the incursions and ravages of mercenary troops who plundered the crops of farmers. Everything contributes to making the precarious life of that time, including frequent betrayals of robbers as that of Robert de Laarbrück , who in 1424 passed the side of the Burgundians (allies of the English), sowing terror in the region of Lorraine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When in 1422 died Henry V and Charles VI , the tide of war had divided France into three blocks (the three France). The North el 'West of the country were in the hands of English and governed by the regent Duke of Bedford, uncle of Henry VI small. To the east, the duchy of Burgundy ruled by Philip "the Good" , an ally of the English. To the south of the Loire domain dolphin Carlo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joan of Arc had the age of ten years and his life wound in the usual forms of rural girls of that time: the household work (spinning, sewing) alternate and more challenging, such as monitoring the herd and guard the local herd. Religious education the provident mother Isabella, who, with great fervor, he was able, even through "examples" edifying, as the telling of stories of S. And St. Margaret of Antioch Catherine of Alexandria (one of the most venerated saints in those days), to bind the soul of Giovanna religious feeling with the civic values. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The girl, demonstrating an early interest in political events of the time, read them in religious terms, as an expression of the eternal struggle between good and evil: the king, as Christ submitted to an unjust ordeal, the English and their Burgundian allies in the likeness of the devil. Around 1425 , Joan began to have visions and hear voices which she attributed to S. Margherita, S. Catherine and the Archangel Michael, whose sanctuary of Mont Saint Michel, between Normandy and Brittany was a territory loyal to the dolphin in the middle of the region controlled by the British, and appeared to be the great protector of the kingdom of France, opponent of the heavenly warrior S. George, patron saint of England. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the voices that speak John insists on the need to carry out the will of God that demanded the liberation of French soil by the presence of the invaders. Armed with this inspiration, Joan in 1429 came to the fortress of Vaucouleurs, located on the Meuse a few miles to the North of Domremy. He was able to influence the commander of the fort, the captain of Robert de Bandicourt , announcing his divine mission: to save France from English invaders and crown the dauphin. He was given a small stock in the company of which John had to reach, covering approximately one hundred kilometers on horseback, Chinon, on the left bank of the Loire, where the dolphin lived. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The February 29 met Charles VII in Chinon, which, despite being troubled by the personality of Joan, uncertain and suspicious, underwent the examination of Theology, University of Poitiers. The latter were convinced that the resolve of Joan, was a sign of divine favor granted to her. Since then, Joan of Arc was called by his followers "Pucelle" (the Maid, the Virgin). The will of God seemed to materialize in the siege of Orleans, a city on the right side of the Loire that the British had besieged. The Maid of Orleans entered the forward on a big white horse, wrapped in a shining armor, followed by Bastard of Orleans (the illegitimate son of Charles VI's brother, Louis of Orleans) and a legendary military leader, the Gascon Etienne de Vignolles . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ drive with great energy the attack on the forts that the British had erected to guard the city. Orleans was liberated, the enemy fortresses dismantled, the British forced to retreat. This first victory when he added another on 17 July Charles VII in Reims received the anointing of the consecration, and mirror guarantee of its legitimacy. Joan could well cease to call Dolphin "Re gentle here now implemented the desire that he wanted me to do raise the siege of Orléans and to lead you to receive, in this city Reims, your holy consecration, demonstrating that you are true king, which must belong to the realm of France ". (Quoted in Duby" History of France "-Bompiani). ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the end of May 1430 , engaged in combat operations at Compiegne, where he resisted the Duke of Burgundy, was captured by the Bastard of Wandomme , lieutenant Jean de Luxembourg, who was a faithful vassal of the Duke of Borbogna. Charles VII made no effort to free her, and so the Maid, abandoned, was transferred for six months in diverse prigioni, prima di essere venduta agli Inglesi e processata come eretica a Rouen da giudici, inquisitori legati al partito anglo - borgognone, con lo scopo di colpire irrimediabilmente la credibilità e la rispettabilità di Carlo VII. Gli sforzi compiuti dagli avversari per dimostrare, mediante le procedure dell'Inquisizione, che Giovanna era una strega che si serviva di poteri diabolici, testimoniano della profonda incidenza della sua missione.


Fu condotta al rogo mercoledì 30 maggio 1430 sulla piazza del Vieux Marché e le fu concesso to have close until the final moments a cross astiale. Engulfed in flames, he cried several times in a loud voice the name of Jesus Legend has it that the heart is not touched by fire, was thrown into the Seine together with the ashes of the bones, to prevent researchers to take possession of relics. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Symbol of love patriotism and unity of France, Joan of Arc has inspired writers such as Shakespeare, Schiller, and Shaw and musicians such as Verdi, Liszt, Tchaikovsky. Joan of Arc was canonized in 1920. He deserves the fame and glory of the story to be successful with the strength of his great faith to kick off the birth of the first great modern nation of continental Europe. Giovanna not suffered 'but modelo' history with his will 'and tenacity , diventado so' one of the most 'great women of all time.

Friday, November 24, 2006

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The airline companies!

UNPLEASANT FIRST THOUGHT ABOUT THE JOURNEY OF LISBOA 2006 whose ability (Thought) is not to be forgotten, and archiving, among others UNPLEASANT THOUGHTS AND WITHOUT PATHOS:

and guess, guess' Who is to seek a second after you removed from the sky, went smoothly and the aircraft on the runway and the passengers clap their hands to several decibels to thank the Lufthansa pilot in command on the ground that he had deposited the precious human cargo entrusted to several miles & miles before? Your telephone company! Mica is a human being fully recognized by the appearance that you, long ago, you've given love, and authentic emotions, or even just a kind word and at the right time. None of that. Only, your phone company. What you remember, a second after you landed in a foreign country, to say hello, and hold his hand cordially, and alert - a lament that smacks of bureaucracy merketing & & so-I-want-to-slip- in-your-credit-residue - you can make all the calls you want, quickly and charge the account of your recipient, with a tone coming from the latest adventures of the new economy and post-advanced capitalism - which, as advanced , is much more engaging and persuasive . And you tired, and a chair of the airport property that reveals the orthopedic granite, and the phone in your pocket you trilla, twice, and a couple of messages, persuasive and appealing, you shake hands and give you a lot of pats on the back, like 'we'll take care of you, friend, "thinking that will follow you everywhere and for all life, your telephone company. Always greet you, in advance , than any other sentient being and emotional well-identified. That the combined entity post-human and sprawling and interplanetary your telephone company will extend up to the ridges of your thought, the shadows of the disadvantages of globalization: their will - always - where you are, what time, and which airport bar waiting for your cake and your coffee before passing out or say things that, one day soon, your fellow travelers will try to ask the way - there always is, and is articulate - as long as your traveling companions do not pass out before you've even spoken a word.

better, so, close here before thinking much, much worse. END OF RECORDING OF FREE THOUGHT unpleasant and pathos.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

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Truman Capote - In Cold Blood: indications on the role of intellectuals

In Cold Blood, is the book that shocked America. Truman Capote wrote it, and tells the story of a family murdered in Holcomb, Kansas. It could be news to the newspapers, that history. Caught between a paragraph long articles, worthy of note, the New York Times. But he did not go well. Those lines to read Capote in her living room, and was electrocuted. He understood immediately that, in those lines, hid at least two things: enough material to write a novel, and the ability to rip Holcomb, a place somewhere in Kansas, from anonymity. Thus, the writer Capote, famous for his Breakfast at Tiffany , cut out the article, called the New York Times, you are relying on reportage of this story, Nell Harper Lee recruited as an assistant and bodyguard, and leaves for Kansas. It is not that well received, as a Truman Capote in Kansas. Extravagant clothes, manners sliced, a sound of childish voice, shown off as a sign of elegance and difference, clash with the strict Calvinist Holcomb, people who live there. But in that remote part of Kansas, is New York, Truman Capote, his follies, his charm, and not long to be accepted. So, when it is much easier to dig, dig to the heart of Capote Holcomb, piano and unearths stories, moods, clues, in that piece of America, all you had to do with the massacre that the crime of 'New York Times of November 1959 gave him one day.

The film starts here. From a writer, gray background in Kansas, chasing a story. Bennet Miller, director, recreates the '50s in that part of the world. And it does so with precision, without a barb. Constructs Holcomb, and her gray, around the exploits of Truman Capote. And that perfection lies, Miller, without being seen, noticed, as if the story would go without saying, according to Capote. Here, in this mimicry, the strength and weakness of the film. Force : why Miller unfolds with mastery over the world, the colors, in which the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, Oscar 2006 for best actor, gives proof of his skill, his ability to adhere perfectly to the gestures of Capote, the sound of his voice, his way of thinking and managing situations of life. But at the same time, weakness: why the film does not say more than what we see, does not give us the opportunity to read in depth a time, place, because everything is already in order, explained, with its beginning, its end, and an actor in the midst of applause that restores body and force to Truman Capote. What this film, then? A plaque in memory of Capote, you might think. And something more.

Perhaps there really is another, in this film. Perhaps we might think, Truman Capote – A sangue freddo , non come un film, ma come un monito : un consiglio, un’esortazione, un ammonimento, ad una classe specifica di persone. Gli intellettuali. Gente che per mestiere pensa, scrive, dice al mondo come il mondo dovrebbe girare. Schiacciamo per un attimo rewind nella nostra memoria e portiamo il film a capo. Truman Capote, scrittore e intellettuale, tra le infinite notizie che passano tra le righe e le pagine dei giornali, ne sceglie una, e la segue. Non ha paura, Truman Capote, di scendere dentro la realtà, di sporcarsi le mani in quella realtà. Arriva in un posto sperduto nel Kansas, e prova a mettere ordine agli eventi: per spiegare la realtà, per renderla chiara: to understand it, if it is impossible to understand. And, with the figure of Truman Capote that looms on the screen, I think this should do the intellectuals. Dirty reality. Excavate reality. Unearth the heart of reality elements, the evidence, the braids, which can be useful to understand the world. Perhaps it is not entirely useless, this movie, if you remember this, rather than the torment of a writer who believes in his story, in his writing. We need ideas, people who make the move. It is a task mica recently be intellectuals. It is not a status to boast to gala dinners. It is a duty.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

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art, cows and other cattle

The first night we arrived in Lisbon, in the streets, squares, is full of cows. But it's not dirty, do not move, let alone bellow. They are there in style beef, as if there were. A rumination time. Those cows, here present, has already seen and photographed in Paris. There are statues of cows and statues of cows assigned to each artist who has a cow on the same bargaining power and decorating / painting / frescoed as it sees fit. In France, that thing there, called VACH'ART: the art of cattle: and statues were scattered everywhere, in put more stravaganti – ce n’era persino una a reggersi su due zampe, con tanto di tutù rosa, e un’espressione classica da danza classica, nonostante mansueti occhioni bovini. A Lisboa, lo stesso. Da quanto avevo letto, tempo fa, queste mucche transumano da una grande città all’altra. Hanno già compiuto il giro del mondo, forse. E stanno creando uno dei casini più pazzeschi della storia della zoologia. Molti finiranno con il credere le mucche animali migranti piuttosto che esseri stabili, sedentari, impiegati nei migliori caseifici. Comunque. La questione è un altra. Da qualche tempo si registra un movimento inverso. Prima erano le persone a muoversi verso l’arte, ad entrare nei suoi sistemi, ad accettare le sue tassonomie, to visit the great places of worship of art: the museums. Today is the reverse. It is art to move people, to find them in their daily environment, to follow them, capture their attention. It is as if art, in a fit of survival, he wanted to give up those big coffins are the museums and their air of perpetual mourning. The Bairro Alto, Lisbon's other historic district, just steps from the central Chad, seems to confirm this. Every wall of the neighborhood is a dense mosaic of colorful signs, writings, graffiti, stencil - two-dimensional figures drawn in paint usually mono or bi-colors. It is a painting in the open, the Bairro Alto, linen is changed and changes day by day. And art that is breathed there, just like cows, it is very pop, vaguely vintage , almost all anti- , and much post- : Sixty-eight post, ideologies, avant-garde. And it's the same thing as meeting places for all cities around the world. As if there was a unique movement that inhabits the networks and communities and to challenge unthinkable distances. Very popular art globalized , on a collision course with the academies, which chews comics and movies, and comes back strongly after the tragic years of figurative and abstract expressionist and crap like fake priests. It is art that comes back to say something , To challenge someone to get in contact with ordinary people and their world of media consumption & & stress & work & living precariously uncertain. Technicalities aside, the idea is formalized in the best way, what you remember. Why, perhaps more than anything else, are ideas signs, lettering, graffiti, stencils, and the walls of the immense encyclopaedias paradox and contradiction . So, back to the art of breathing, again, directly called upon, questioning and proving themselves. In museums, such splendor, priests and funeral liturgies, for sure, cattle, tail and gentle, we were.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Motorcycle Trials Bikes Blog

Bartholomew Portuguese, the elusive mythical figure, was a very famous pirate and feared! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ buccaneer to Tortuga , was part of the brotherhood of the coast . His most 'big business coincided with his disappearance from the seas of the Caribbean! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The his great enterprise was so amazing how unfortunate! Crossing south of Cuba runs into a galleon laden with gold. Succeeds with his crew of pirates to seize it, at that time and 'a very rich man ma, la sua felicita' durera' molto poco.
Intercettato da tre galeoni, combatte per difendere la preda ed aver salva la vita. E' un pirata e se verra' catturato sara' di certo impiccato!
La sua lotta pero' e' vana, gli spagnoli riescono ad impadronirsi della sua nave e lo fanno prigioniero!


Imprigionato, riesce pero' a fuggire dalla forca. Il suo spirito indomito ha la meglio sui suoi carcerieri ma, dal momento della sua fuga non si sapra' piu' nulla di lui.


Friday, November 17, 2006

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Punctum: instructions

and 1980. Roland Barthes does not know, but wrote his last book. The title is: "Camera Lucida. Note on the photograph. " Obviously, it is a book any. Not so much because it's the last of Barthes, this is not to make it valuable. Rather, because in those pages are kept for ever, a ' lighting. There are two ways to tell if a book, its author, are critical to us. The first way is numerical and statistical in nature: you can try to count the number of times that the book is quoted, said, suggested, then compile statistics and standings, and finally see what book rests on top of all those numbers. The second way is more subtle, less obvious: open the book, read it thoroughly, and find a line between the other modes exact name human experience. The great books, their authors, are just that: to name the experience, to name things. If things have a name, you know, they can defend yourself. Subtract the indeterminacy knowledge, great books, their authors. Specific names, with blacks and indelible characters, where before there was a white map with no reference. The human experience, the knowledge of experience, is all in the presence of those names inscribed on mappa.

Così, nel suo ultimo libro, Barthes formula per la prima volta due parole: studium e punctum . Provengono dal latino, quelle parole. E, nella loro sinteticità, definiscono il rapporto singolare che scaturisce dall’incontro dell’uomo con il mondo. Lo studium è il nostro accostarsi disinteressato al mondo: “ l’applicazione a una cosa, il gusto per qualcuno, una sorta d’interessamento, sollecito, certo, senza nessuna intensità ”. Mentre il punctum è il nostro concedersi al mondo quando il mondo si scaglia su di noi in tutta la sua potenza. È mondo che ferisce, the punctum, which runs through all the senses, that troubles you, which explodes and explodes inside of you for the intensity of that particular experience. Barthes way: "A detail is to upset all my reading; is a change in my interest alive, a revelation. Because of the impression of something , the photo is no longer a photo any . This something done to tilt , gave me a slight vibration . Try to think of every time I saw a movie, hearing the music, living situation, something, without explanation, a sudden, you left a very strong feeling enjoyment of, or otherwise in pain. What is the punctum: when you and the world, experience the world, become one.

this blog, so, wants to be this: an annotated list of these moments of intense pleasure or pain during my experience of the world. I'll try to figure out and understand why something, someone, for better or for worse, it hit me. And if you failed to understand it and understand it, just tell him. It's very subjective, the punctum. Everyone can have his own, in various situations. So bear with me. If something does not tell you square, you write well. The comments are at your disposal.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

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Stede Bonnet (Versione Inglese)


Famous in history as " the gentleman pirate ," Stede Bonnet might more accurately be called, " the dumb pirate ," or " the inept pirate ," or " the cowardly pirate ." Stede Bonnet is primarily remembered for two things: first, for being a snappy dresser, and second, for having no sense whatsoever.


Bonnet lived on the island of Barbados , where he owned a large estate. In 1717 the wealthy young man purchased a 10-gun sloop , named her Revenge , and sailed off to be a pirate. No one is sure exactly why he did this -- the best guess is that he turned to piracy to get away from his shrewish wife .
Once at sea Bonnet made his way up the coast of North America . His relations with his crew quickly deteriorated as they discovered that he had no knowledge of the sea at all. In March of 1718 the Revenge fell in with the Queen Anne's Revenge, commanded by the pirate Blackbeard .


It didn't take Blackbeard long to determine the true measure of his compatriot, and he politely insisted that Bonnet remain aboard his own ship as a " valued guest ," assigning one of his own lieutenants to command Bonnet's vessel in his absence. Blackbeard was so polite and deferential that it took Bonnet quite some time to realize he had been deposed .
After cruising up and down the coast for a while, things began to get a little hot for the pirates, and both decided to accept a pirate amnesty being offered by the British .


Back in command of his own ship, the " reformed " Bonnet then headed out to sea, where within a few short weeks he was once again attacking British shipping. Eventually two British Navy sloops caught up with him in Cape Fear River . After a nasty river battle Bonnet and his crew were captured and taken in chains to Charles Town. There, after a failed escape attempt, Bonnet stood trial and was sentenced to death.
Bonnet did not go to his doom with dignity. When he learned of his sentence, Bonnet said to the judge, "Cut off my arms and cut off my legs so that I may sit and read from the scriptures and, please sir, I will for ever sing praises to our Lord. But, whatever you do, please don't hang me!"


The ladies present at court were much moved by the handsome young man's pleas -- the judge wasn't. Bonnet was hanged on December 10, 1718 . Bonnet's body was buried secretly in the marshes outside of town. Local legend says that Bonnet Requested That His bones be hidden Because he feared That His Wife Would seek vengeance on His body after His death .

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Stede Bonnet, "The Pirate inept"

famous in history as "the gentleman pirate" Stede Bonnet should be more 'rightly remembered as "the pirate inept"! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Its activity 'pirate was punctuated by continuous fool and humiliation. The reason is that percutaneous persuaded to undertake this type of activity 'is not some very uplifting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonnet was a wealthy landed on the island of Barbados , decided at some point to buy a sailboat with 10 guns and take the life of a pirate, all to escape the wrath of his wife (presumably a woman very bad ...). headed straight for the coast brought to the America of the north with his ship " Revenge" (Revenge) but now things became difficult for him. His ineptitude aliens' the sympathies of the crew and when they were about to lay it added insult to injury! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meeting 'accidentally ship Blackbeard the pirate which, flattering his inept colleague convinced him to relinquish command of his ship to one of his lieutenants. In practice Bonnet was deprived of his ship without firing a single shot Blackbeard had to possess ! After this fool's good name was Bonnet has been affected. Despite all this, since 'Blackbeard had agreed to stop His work as 'accepting an amnesty granted by the British pirate, Bonnet return' in posesso of his ship. It took him but 'very little hunting in trouble again! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ attacking British ships, I draw 'on if the whole British fleet, and after a battle near Cape Fear , was quickly captured, tried and sentenced to death by hanging! Several failed attempts to escape, arrival 'at Gorno enforcement with even less dignity' of what he showed in his later years. Beg 'the judge trying to convince him to cut off the hands and feet rather than give death by hanging! His appeal, however, 'moved the women present, but not the judge, who had promptly execute the sentence on December 10, 1718 in Charles Town ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His remains were eventually dla secretly buried near the city '. It is said that this was his last wish. did not want them to be discovered by his wife very bad!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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a book a day keeps the boredom of Torno (episode II)

Books Books Books
We do not stop for sure in the campaign for the relaunch of reading on the internet
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Seiei Today I propose a book on the subject with my posts
and amazing adventures of Sandokan and his pirates
discover their stories and you'll love this fantasy world, where all the adventures stamped with the mark of the imagination!
What is real and What is not 'just up to you!
Happy reading!

Monday, November 13, 2006

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CLEOPATRA (I century BC)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ Cleopatra VII was born in 69 BC in Alexandria by one of two marriages Neodioniso Ptolemy XII (80-51 BC ) said "Aulete" (the "flute"), a lover of wine and music. It is said that Cleopatra was a woman is not very nice, nice, smart. But above all else was smart, determined and ruthless. All ideal qualities to rule a kingdom like that of Egypt. When in 51 BC the father dies, Cleopatra to 18 years just sit on the throne of Egypt with her brother Ptolemy XIII only 10 years. Roma, who already 'had designs on the kingdom of Egypt, Pompey appointment guardian of the little Pharaoh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ between the two brothers There is a deep hatred that leads to the will of the powerful eunuch Pothinus , by turning away from the palace of Cleopatra decides to take refuge in Syria and began to organize their own army. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E 'the same historical period in which you play the events of the civil war between Julius Caesar and Pompey . The two chase each other up in Egypt where Pompey, who thought he could re-protected in the land of Egypt Ptolemy XIII, was assassinated. Perhaps this heinous act had been ordered by Pharaoh to ingratiate himself with Julius Caesar, Rome's new master now. This action, however, had effects exactly opposite to those desired by Ptolemy . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fact Caesar, who settled in Palace of Alexandria, Ptolemy XIII and Cleopatra summoned to put an end to conflict Dynastic that battered the kingdom of Egypt. Cleopatra, for fear of being killed by the men of his brother, came to Palace on board a brig led by his trusted servant, Apollonius Siciliano, docked just below the walls and wrapped in a carpet was introduced by Apollodorus carried on his shoulders. Caesar reached the apartment the carpet was laid down and rolled left astonished the Roman condotiero. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ appreciate Caesar 'in each sense, the quality 'of the young princess, his cunning, courage and his cunning, conquered it to the point that he decided to hand over the kingdom of Egypt in the hands of Cleopatra. The queen of Egypt was able to converse without the aid of interpreters, with the Ethiopians, Troglodytes, Syrians, Arabs, Jews, and Medi Parties and knew many other languages \u200b\u200bincluding, of course, the Egyptian and Greek. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caesar brought Cleopatra in travel along the Nile to show the beauty of Egypt. Became the mistress of the powerful Roman Empire, gives him 'a son, Ptolemy XV Caesarion, the only male heir of Caesar. The political design of Cleopatra at this stage of his life seemed to become clear. Through relations with the powerful lover, wanted unify the crown of Egypt with the Roman power , aiming to create a true dynasty of Roman emperors Egyptian, whose first representative was his son Caesarion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of this design is realized many Romans, who quickly began to hate the queen of Egypt as well as the new "dictator" in Rome. He gave much annoyance to the powerful of the City plus the way in which Caesar had dealt with the Egyptian. Egypt could become a Roman colony like many others, but for the love of Cleopatra, this did not happen. Addiritura Cesare creeps' in power struggle between Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIII by killing and leaving so ', his beloved, the only queen of Egypt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To stay close to Caesar but also for political purposes, even Cleopatra moved to Rome where, however, is inhospitable reception of the Romans. The disappointment of the Roman people born in the senate and disputes arising in the murder of Julius Caesar to Ides of March in 44 BC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this Cleopatra the subject is alone and must rush to find a new ally if he wants to continue to fuel his dreams of glory and power. Marco Antonio is in the ally of Caesar, which proclaims Ptolemy XV Caesarion heir of Julius Caesar in front of the Senate. But the young Octavian (the future first emperor of Rome) opposes him by claiming to be his legitimate successor to the throne. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this turbulent climate, Cleopatra decides to return to Egypt where he found an economy in crisis and the Egyptian people reduced to slavery by the Greeks who, in turn, lead a life of luxury e di potere. Cleopatra non cambia tale impostazione, ma la rende più accettabile da parte degli egiziani alleggerendo le tasse e migliorando il livello della vita. Per rilanciare il commercio riapre l'antica via carovaniera dal Nilo al mar Rosso facendola proteggere con torri di guardia dislocate lungo il percorso e visibili tra loro in modo da permettere la comunicazione in caso di agguati. Da questa via viene importato il porfido che verrà poi utilizzato dai Romani per costruire le statue degli imperatori.


Nel frattempo la lotta tra i due generali romani divampa. Marco Antonio e' padrone della eastern part of the Roman Empire, while Octavian governs Western Europe. Between the two there is a lot of rivalry, but also hatred which brings them into conflict several times. Mark Antony, Octavius \u200b\u200bto defeat the enemy, needs of the treasures of Egypt, and then summons Cleopatra to Tarsus , on the Turkish coast. Of course, Cleopatra tries to tie in if the young Antonio emotionally as he did with his great predecessor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some sources tell us that Cleopatra came a call to Mark Antony in Cilicia on a boat Purple the sails, the stern of gold and silver oars. The queen, dressed as a Venus and accompanied by the sound of flutes and lutes, was lying inside a canopy surrounded by cupids. Cleopatra will have twins by the Roman general and participate 'actively in the last battles of the war between Octavian and his beloved, but for a period of three years will be' abandoned by her new lover who will marry in the meantime '. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At this time Cleopatra discovers the ancient Egyptian religion becoming a promoter of prayers, rituals and gifts to the gods now abandoned for years. Marco Antonio, despite the multiple insistence of his first wife, Fulvia, then the second wife Octavia, Cleopatra back to looking for an ally and new wealth to fuel the fight against Octavian. Cleopatra, too smart to show all his pain, give up the treasures of his kingdom in return for specific promises. So lands of Arabia, the copper mines of Cyprus the Sinai, the ' Armenia and the wheat fields around the North Africa belonging to Rome, passing under the Egyptian government. The Senate and the Roman institutions external open their disappointment, all the lands conquered by the blood of the Romans transferred to the Queen, who has never accepted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ottaviano advantage of the situation an attack on Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium . Cleopatra, in an unusual manner, follows Antonio fight side by side in the Egyptian ship, but he soon abandoned the ally to its fate and moves away from the battle. Given the progress of the battle Cleopatra withdrew to Alexandria decides to escape from Egypt, but during the preparations for departure, is surprised by Abatei, long subjugated to his power, which prevent the escape. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ troops of Octavian, in the meantime had put to flight Marco Antonio's fleet, threatening approach in Alexandria. Marco Antonio, who took refuge in the palace with Cleopatra kills herself with his sword and dies in the arms of the Queen of Egypt. Fearing that he attempted suicide Cleopatra, Octavian, now master of Alexandria, makes sure that each brought to the queen is carefully controlled. Cleopatra and 'prey too important to be lost. must 'be exhibited in the triumph of Augustus and exposed to the wrath of the Roman people. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The August 12 30 BC, however, a farmer can get her a basket of figs that hides a snake. Cleopatra, conscious of the presence of the asp, bite and you die before the arrival of Octavian and thus avoid a last humiliation. His son Caesarion killing is done by Octavian, while the other two twin children disappear without a trace. Egypt becomes a Roman province and simple Octavian becomes Augustus and at the same time, the first Roman emperor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rarely a woman ' been the focus of so 'many historical events, are rarely female figures' ambitious and seeking to change so insistently the course of events as and 'happened in the case of Cleopatra. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His end was tragic and his defeat was complete, but the figure of this great woman leaves an impression in focus as one of the most 'important in the history of Rome and with it the ancient world.