Wikileaks Italian: "This is how Confindustria forages CGIL, CISL and UIL" Pierluigi Bonora Fismic secretary general: "There is a network of interests which binds to the trade association of the CGIL, CISL and UIL, subsidized by the funds managed in common and donations Advertising sheets illegal. "The editorial Alessandro Sallusti
Wikileaks would also be very Italian, based on alleged dark plot between the Confindustria and the trade unions CGIL, CISL and UIL. But this time the rumors of tom-toms and revelations from a site, but a union leader, Roberto Di Maulo, general secretary of Fismic, autonomous organization that represents employees in industry and services, detached from politics, "with 20 thousand members and real," says its leader. This Wikileaks, as defined by Di Maulo, which eventually brings up other associations (Confcommercio, Confartigianato and Assolavoro) takes its cue from the "disastrous attitude wavering, indecisive and fearful that Fim and Uilm last meeting held on the Fiat Mirafiori, "the union complaint.
" The system of joint bodies of the funds (or entities contractually managed by trade unions and employers involved, for example, health supplement), good in itself, explains the head of Fismic to the Journal - has set up a sort of caste of union leaders and officials of Confindustria, whose interest is that the system is preserved, perpetuated and never put under discussion. It remains off the bottom Cometa, which has since the end of the integrative health Fiat, wisely organized and operating costs. Not the same applies to other funds of bilateral bodies (Those that manage 0.30% of the total salary for the training, type of Fondimpresa Confindustria).
you make management understand that there is 'concerned'?
"A management style that encourages the components, which is expressed, for example, through advertising in major publications of the trade union donations to strangers anymore."
One way of working that involves all unions?
"CGIL, CISL and UIL. It is a "system" scientific organizations, with the promotion of conferences and public events carried out with pomp and grandeur of an absolute means. Many of the officials of the CGIL, CISL and UIL are within del sistema dei fondi e retribuiti abbastanza bene».
E Confindustria?
«È un “sistema”retto da Confindustria, ma anche da Confcommercio. Il caso del fondo ForTe è esemplare. Mi riservo di tirare fuori tutte le carte».
Altro da dichiarare?
«Eccome. C’è un intreccio anche con le assicurazioni: il sistema Unipol, è questo proposito, è molto interessante. Esiste tutto un mondo che si autoalimenta. Ecco dunque spiegata la resistenza di Fim e Uilm a permettere l’avvio di un contratto autonomo allo stabilimento Fiat di Mirafiori. La ragione? Passando il contratto autonomo si rimetterebbe in discussione un “sistema” che funziona. Fiat is not a little shop: if he decides to leave the "system" weakens it. "
argues that it is all in black and white ...
"There is a coven of interest. To understand how the "system" is enough to read carefully the budgets. "
"Another game on which it is worthwhile to linger about the funds managed by the trade Assolavoro with CGIL, CISL and UIL. They put together a little 'documents, which I will do, and show that yes everything is permissible but is also seen that there are interests that are consolidated together and abetted. "
In the midst of all this is plan "Factory Italy ', the Fiat investment of 20 billion and thousands of jobs ... "Listen to me carefully. What need had Mrs. Marcegaglia to go to New York to talk with Marchionne and try to convince him not to get out of Confederation? More than the president of Confindustria I think the delegate of the Federation of Trade Unions. Why CGIL, CISL and UIL argue and then bunched up forever? Is there a reason extrasindacale.
Negotiations on Mirafiori hangs in the balance, and Marchionne may decide to bring new production car in America. This was already done months ago, choosing instead Serbia always Mirafiori.
"As long as there are behaviors normal I'm good. My union also lives without all this mingling. If the negotiations fail for reasons beyond Turin merit, I'll try to see if an ear wants to hear so many other things I have to say. "
emptied the first bag?
"If you want, also adds a very interesting trend regarding the artisans, the first bilateral body. Hundreds of officials of the CGIL, CISL, UIL and Confartigianato are paid from the savings contract (from what, that is, that the parties, trade unions and employers, aimed at a certain address: the most classic is the health supplement). "
A caste, then?
"Yeah, right. E funziona perfettamente. E quando si tenta di metterla in discussione, questo “sistema” si chiude sempre ».
Fonte: Il Giornale (articolo di giovedì 09 dicembre 2010)