Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Best Creme For Burst Capillaries

"FOUNDATION SAINT LUCIA at risk of closure"

Rome December 7, 2010. The coordinates saved Hospital Saint Lucia and the Committee of parents of children of ex-hospital rehabilitation service extra. Article 26 calls on the Directorate General, trade unions, workers and students to ' ASSEMLEA PUBLICA announced for Saturday, December 11 at 10:00 at the CONFERENCE ROOM SAINT LUCIA IRCCS, Via Ardeatina 354 in Rome to discuss the dramatic situation faced by the Foundation, with the imminent risk of closure, and explore with the timely action.

past year, we conducted a single battle to prevent the closure of the hospital. Non sono bastati la mobilitazione generale in piazza di centinaia di utenti, lavoratori, genitori e studenti, gli appelli alle istituzioni, per veder riconosciuto il diritto alla salute dei pazienti e lo Status di eccellenza della struttura; nonostante le promesse delle istituzioni, di fatto il decreto 80/2010 determina il disconoscimento dell’alta specializzazione neuroriabilitativa e, conseguentemente, decreta la chiusura della struttura. In particolare, il taglio dei 146 posti letto imposto dal piano sanitario della Regione, e la su citata impossibilità di veder riconosciuta l’eccellenza in termini di ricerca e cura nel campo della riabilitazione comporteranno dal 1 gennaio 2011 la chiusura dell’Ospedale e dei laboratori di ricerca, il dismissal of all personnel and the consequent cessation of all assistance activities, research and teaching.

For consumers and for the children of S. Lucia, who pour their hopes in the structure and work hard every day to win a small but vital progress, employees and partners, which contribute to the success of their patients, and students who build their profession IRCCS on the excellent experience, this situation is unacceptable.

It requires, therefore, the highest participation in the meeting. It 's a duty to all parties to prevent this situation is prolonged beyond and ensure that the Saint Lucia continues to be a national asset. Coordination

Save the Hospital Saint Lucia
The Committee of parents of children of ex-hospital rehabilitation service extra. art. 26



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