Sunday, November 21, 2010

Buying An Optimist Sailboat

National Press - In the name and on behalf SLC-CGIL Secretary of the South Rome area and the Committee of Registered SLC-CGIL

Rome, November 17, 2010

The National Coordination of MSW SLC-CGIL, CISL and UILCOM FISTEL-of-UIL Comdata Care, meeting in Rome on November 17, together with the Secretariats national and local, is very concerned about the choices made in recent weeks by the company. While reaffirming that it is not biased against the entry of other buyers in Comdata Care, the National Secretaries and Coordination consider this to be done in full transparency and in compliance with the agreements in place. What happened in recent weeks in locations in Rome and Milan is not liable for or by criteria of clarity and transparency nor, importantly, can be seen as an effective reinforcement of the Comdata Care through the acquisition of new contracts. The orders that should work colleagues in Milan are in effect orders Comdata SPA that would work by colleagues in the system of posting equally unclear is the reason why you continue to remove workstations from home in Rome.
These actions do nothing but add to the confusion and uncertainty among workers. The
National Secretaries of SLC-CGIL, CISL and UILCOM FISTEL-UIL-claim that the company management to give assurances on the maintenance of the perimeter of employment and, not least, the scope of the current physical. From these essential commitments Comdata Care must begin to build a credible and coherent business plan.
operations optimization of operating costs must be in full compliance with the current geographical distribution of seats Comdata Care and, above all, professionalism of workers.
The eight national secretariats and coordination of the RSU call an urgent meeting with the company to assess its real will and believe that a balanced scheduling in a short time, an update del Tavolo Triangolare con Vodafone al fine di verificare lo stato dei rapporti con il committente anche alla luce delle ultime novità.

Le Segreterie Nazionali SLC-CGIL FISTel-CISL UILCOM-UIL


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