Monday, November 15, 2010

Wwe Divas Vs Tna Knockouts

Autumn Care

Un saluto a tutti.

Come noto, le assemblee sindacali che si sono svolte nella sede di Comdata Care il 2 novembre 2010 hanno visto emergere la decisione della stragrande majority of workers not to instruct its delegation (usr and SLC-CGIL di Milano) to negotiate an agreement with management regarding the closure of the site Comdata Care, movement of all workers at the site of Comdata SpA and the use of same on other projects operated by Comdata SpA, using the formula of the posting.

workers than office expressed a decided NO on a scenario and important employment even more precarious than at present. The company Comdata Care
fact no longer any job on the site of Milan; would cease to exist in fact a place of business of Comdata Spa Care born together with the assignment and made by workers at the time specialists in managing established well-defined activities 'Vodafone activities' and workers at the time identified as an autonomous branch, just to be able to outsource.

And that skilled labor? What order should I do?
workers in Milan have chosen to consider, as stated in the communiqué of MSW the maintenance of their current priority over all other considerations.
workers in Milan have decided to return to fight, putting in place all trade union initiatives and legal measures to prevent destruction of their lives that this additional work is done, and the headquarters of the union representatives have launched a state of agitation. And in

altre sedi?
Si potrebbe commettere l’errore di sentirsi dispiaciuti per i colleghi e pero’ starsene buoni perche’, almeno per ora, non e’ toccata a noi; si potrebbe commettere l’errore di pensarsi e mostrarsi solidali con la lotta
di questi colleghi, ritenendo pero’ appunto che si tratti della loro lotta:
sarebbero atteggiamenti e pensieri errati e poco lungimiranti.

In questo momento deve essere chiaro a tutti che e’ in discussione il NOSTRO posto di lavoro, che e’ necessario agire per difendere il NOSTRO posto di lavoro, per far sentire moltiplicato in tutte le sedi quel
fondamentale NO!

La chiusura della commessa Vodafone su Milano e’ yet another step in the direction of the definitive dismantling of our work, and 'yet another heavy blow dealt to the remaining hopes of keeping: the break up and take him away piece by piece, take a small group hoping to make us weaker and or trusting in the lack of cohesion.

It 's easy to imagine the company and think that workers not directly affected by this decision are afraid and choose the inaction, and' likely for the company confidence that we'll be good and quiet 'cause many workers now make into account the end of this work and have embraced the belief that we are at the end, if all goes well with data scadenza 2014, e che quindi ogni giorno che passa e’ un giorno guadagnato e che percio’ e’ meglio rimanere passivi anziche’ agitarsi perche’ il destino e’ segnato…

Ebbene noi pensiamo che aver perso il posto in Vodafone, aver perso la tranquillita’ lavorativa e di vita e aver perso salario sia gia’ abbastanza.
Non e’ piu’ tempo di continuare a pensare che si debba accettare qualunque cosa purche’ duri per un giorno, un mese o un anno in piu’ questo nuovo lavoro con condizioni tanto diverse e peggiori, non e’ piu’ tempo di continuare a pensare che non si possa provare ad arrestare questo processo di degrado e impoverimento. Non dobbiamo do anyone a favor and die slowly and in silence, without giving trouble. This

Care Coordination COBAS Comdata does not intend to do nothing, and it is for this reason that in conjunction with the events in Milan and Rome to the Company decide to open the cooling procedure for a national mobilization on all places of Comdata Care.

same time we will initiate the request for a round table at the Ministry of Labour to re-examine the entire supply Vodafone in the light of these new developments and a clear depletion of both work just three years from outsourcing.

In all locations where this is a COBAS those you through your usual references aggiornamenti circa le evoluzioni della vicenda e le mobilitazioni messe in atto, per le altre sedi restiamo a disposizione di chi volesse contattarci anche attraverso quest’indirizzo di posta elettronica.

 Coordinamento Cobas Comdata Care


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