Friday, November 12, 2010

Labelled Diagram Of A Boat

Meeting MSW-HR on disused stations

Buongiorno a tutti,

in data 5 novembre la RSU romana di Comdata Care si è incontrata con l'azienda per avere chiarimenti in merito alla situazione creatasi il 3 novembre circa la comunicazione della dismissione delle postazional secondo piano.
L'azienda ha informato la RSU che si tratta di 40 postazioni che saranno spostate nella sede Comdata Spa di Lecce.
Tale trasferimento, a detta dell'azienda, è da addebitarsi esclusivamente the high cost of management (and is already the second case, see the closure of the Milan office) that posts unused produce.
The USW has asked whether this movement generates revenue budget to be found: Comdata Comdata Spa Care to pay for such positions, or there is no outlay and it is perhaps plausible to imagine a reduction in the rental of our stable, which is not paid long? To this question the company is committed to provide feedback.
We would like to state firmly that the fact of having a monetary income from that operation does not make it justified the move, but at least you can boast of an asset in our budget unedifying. The move to Lecce
stations will be used for managing inbound and backoffice 190 and we were informed that the activities of credit will not be removed from Milan to Lecce past and is still to define the possible redistribution of those other sites.
Another related issue addressed, and is of primary importance, qello is tied to the number of positions available in relation to the number of workers on site. The company says the stations are commensurate with the media staff operating in considering the percentage of absence day (5
stations were added in training room that has been reported to be wired and usable while this morning we were able to verify missing phones and strong). How are
MSW least strange that the company given the negative focus of absences when it comes to productivity and quality, while taking into account its "advantage" when it comes to dismantle 40 position.
Our question is: what if the data would tend to diminish the absences, where people would fit? We would be looking out the window ....
This assumption was confirmed by the November 8th day today where the company has even resorted to a meeting at the last team to leave the stations and thus makes it possible for workers who are left standing, to carry out its regular activities .
We are to say we end the comic!
Even now, the company is to affect our productivity does not allow us to perform our work regularly!!
not only to us but also to tl rep as to leave the position they were forced to not be able to work together or to be more people on a single PC!
We also remind the company that provided there are safe distances between a workstation and the other for the passage and in the corridors!
result of this situation is to be taken into serious consideration the shift workers.
We were informed that the shift will be issued taking into account the positions / admissions, visa that the most critical time period is 12-13 and coincides with all shifts and part-time full-time who has a part time morning or middle. As a result, can be reformulated for the shift full time (part time i have the time slots
under contract that may not require changes) to avoid too much concentration in that time slot.
It 'obvious that the company has power to manage the shift workers in order to ensure coverage throughout the day but we have required that, besides the allocation of more afternoon shifts, to come along again in support of workers is taken into account the possibility have shifts for full time from 8 am (also seen that the contacts may outbound be made from quell'orario). Certainly the critical time period would not suffer substantial changes, but would decrease the time frame of "parking" in the temporary position.
On the latter issue, please let them know of any faults that you encounter on the next shift workers to be issued Monday, November 8 and ask the company to abide by the guidelines provided on the times of the credit department (8 - 20:08 - 16 on Saturday) and therefore does not require future workers to make a turn involving the release after 20 (even if only on a voluntary basis).
Alongside these issues we have addressed other issues that we illustrate briefly:

- frequent loggatura: is linked exclusively to a high volume of service order on the world consumer and small business and is not related with the closure of the Vodafone contract in Milan.

- safety at work: we asked again that the test is made to evacuate in an emergency and the emergency workers who are appointed (and updated business information panels on the premises).

- internal maintenance: it was required placement of missing panels in the ceiling of the third floor and repair of the entrance to the men's room always on the third floor. How

MSW expect concrete answers from Rome on these issues, but mainly about our job security future. Never as today we feel deprived of our chair and we hope that, in addition to the rigidity announced for those who violate company standards (see photocopies and personal printing, internet, breaks), the company will not make progress in further disheartened workers.
We are also keen to reiterate our strongest solidarity with our colleagues in Milan that in addition to not having the chair, no longer have neither the contract for which they were assigned coated (the only real guarantee of employment), nor the prospect of future work .

MSW Comdata Care


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