Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Black Pepper Good For Gastritis


Helene Benedetti

Published by the newspaper Reportonline

Vodafone has created the idea of \u200b\u200ba happy family with Totti and Ilary, but had to lay off 914 employees, so as not stain the face causing a serious loss of 'image, has seen fit to use the method of outsourcing.
Vodafone has assigned employees to a company created to hoc outsourcing, the Comdata Care, a company created out of nothing, today, three years after the sale, the site of Milan is closed.
The contract under which contract employees are paid Comdata provides outsourcing to Spa, the holding company of all activities impacted by the sale. Thus, the Comdata Care has hired employees, it is not clear which company they come from salaries as Comdata Care is always at a loss, and overtime shall be authorized and paid by Vodafone, according to Comdata said the leadership.
A system of Chinese boxes, which makes it easier to find a not responsible for the situation.

workers continue to svologere the same jobs they had first to be outsourced, as Vodafone sees the only company that continues to keep the ranks of management. Comdata Care, as an employer, has no power steering. E 'Vodafone establishing procedures to be applied, even authorizes the extraordinary Comdata Care must be granted to employees.
It 'clear that the transaction created by outsourcing Vodafone has the purpose of ferrying workers to collective redundancies without dirtying your hands.
In 2007, the Vodafone chief executive said that the transfer of employees the company Comdata Care was used to increase the professionalism of these employees and to create new jobs.
Words contradicted by the facts: the professional well-publicized nobody knew what to do because the assets were sold almost immediately transferred to employees and Comdata Care has not increased a single job, even has over 100 employees in less.
Today it is clear that everything needed to lay off staff. A document in the file states that there is just a request for reduction of staff each year.

914 employees hired for an indefinite period from Comdata Care Vodafone sold the company that did not comply with the contract that they had with Vodafone.

Employees in respect of which a large part of the agreements of the second level does not apply.

This is the most visible effect of the operations branch transfer in Italy: the impoverishment of the worker's immediate and subsequent loss of jobs.

We see what else they have lost 914 employees:
The contract with Vodafone was indefinite, as the contract with Comdata Care, but it is a continuously loss, a far cry from British multinational Vodafone said that 4 billion profit a year of the sale in April 2007, two months after the sale in January 2008 (Milano Finanza) broke off a check for EUR 2.5 billion to the parent company British Italian soldiers who are invested abroad, while in Italy it outsources. Even in this situation of global crisis, Vodafone continues to increase its profits.

Comdata Spa, as well as Comdata Care, are companies that standing orders for contracts, monthly, quarterly or annual. Are companies that do not recognize the minimum rights to their employees, and for which remote control is the daily bread. These are companies that make massive use of temporary squeezing the boys to the bone, renewing the term contract up to and beyond the allowed limit, and then not carry out any employment. Are companies that make continuous use of layoffs, line of demarcation between the companies that use the crisis as an excuse for not paying their salaries out of pocket for a few months and those that are employing them for real needs, not always so obvious.

The Vodafone contract is 7 years, will expire in 2014. If that date is declared the end of the work without any renewal of the contract, the 914 transferred employees will find themselves without work.
But even if they were to renew the contract after seven years, is uninsured work for 914 employees transferred; There is no written assurance that the renewal of the contract in 2014 is accompanied by the retention of workers hired. The contract is one thing, other workers.
Italian history shows us that the supply of a business is used fraudulently to make redundancies, leading to exasperation employees who lose all their rights agreements reached with the second level.

The sales result in early depletion of the worker, then the loss of that job.

I make the example of employees transferred from Omnia Wind, had a permanent contract with the company which had acquired them (Omnia), but after two years the company transferee immediately after the negative judgments of the trial judge Monza that gave wrong for workers, did not pay more salaries. The workers, after months of struggle, agreed to be resettled in third with a company half of what they had in the Wind.

Eutelia employees have also made a worse end.

They are all stories of the sales of Italian branch of the company, we could go on and on with examples, one thing is certain, the same mechanism is implemented now from Vodafone with Comdata Care. With Comdata
Care, employees assigned have also lost the reward, which was the result of collective agreement which expired a year after the transfer and promptly reformulated to Vodafone with the social partners, even increasing the amount, only in Comdata Care This year's arrivati all’accordo per un premio di produzione che è però solo formale, perchè di fatto sono state inserite così tante variabili a controllo univoco dell’azienda che non vi sarà mai una corresponsione sostanziale dell’importo.

•Hanno perso il diritto di parcheggiare l’auto nel parcheggio dell’azienda, diritto che avevano per contratto con Vodafone. Nonostante ci siano ampi parcheggi all’interno della Comdata Care, essi sono riservati agli impiegati e dirigenti. Pensate che si erano addirittura rifiutati di dare a due dipendenti disabili il parcheggio interno. Ne pagano le conseguenze soprattutto i dipendenti che lavorano nella sede di Milano dove la situazione è ancora più disastrosa, l’azienda è situata su una strada trafficatissima e pericolosa e il problema multe e rimozione auto è all’ordine del giorno.

•Hanno perso le azioni a cui tutti i dipendenti Vodafone avevano diritto.

•Hanno perso l’assicurazione sulla vita che era stata firmata invece nel contratto Vodafone.

•Hanno perso il diritto alla retribuzione maggiorata durante i giorni di lavoro festivi che ora vengono riconosciuti come giornate di lavoro feriale al contrario del contratto con Vodafone.

•Hanno perso la possibilità di recupero dei giorni di lavoro festivi che avevano per contratto con Vodafone

•Hanno perso il diritto di usufruire degli asili nursery business that had to contract with Vodafone.

• They have lost the right to pick that Vodafone was offering and that Comdata Care has offices in other cities

• They have lost the right to benefits between employees sim

• They have lost the right of employees who rate sim was activated every 6 months with Vodafone

• They have lost all the conventions in business under assumption Vodafone

• They have lost the right to training periods in the contract signed with Vodafone, and the end of a professional development began with Vodafone.

• They lost the quiet of their workplace, employees are toss and flared with sudden shifts and continuous
short, clear worsening of working conditions that they are drifting to the bulging and the dismissal by analyzing all the points, it takes little to understand that it is all a ploy to get rid of permanent employees.

Comdata Care Company of Milan has closed, the communication from the closure of the site took place on the day following the decision of the Court, the approximately 100 employees in its former Vodafone employees were routed elsewhere in the group to manage Comdata jobs data entry for a few months. They did sign a letter to employees of detachment with which we accept the demotion and which highlights that at the end secondee will return to their home. ... in the meantime will be closed.

The contract and Vodafone residual activity of the territory of Milan have been designed for those who do not know well, presumably in Romania, where they were shot in subcontracting (illegal) many activities are being supplied.
Most of the divested businesses have been outsourced abroad, although there is the prohibition of subcontracting as set out in ministerial assignment.
This is the situation which exists since 2007 for the 914 employees that Vodafone has yielded to Comdata Care. But there are important updates:

employees are no longer 914, about a hundred have been encouraged to resign. The others, in part, manage the contract for which Vodafone have been sold, but with fewer and fewer jobs. The others were placed on other assets not acquired by Comdata Care, but owned by the Holding, and this is no small thing, it means that this company, created specifically for the assignment and for which costs were big words and promises of growth alone will not sustain anything, it is not able to stay on the market and remain standing until one has not been disposed of the last worker.

Even today, after three years, was not recognized at the second level employees. Employees who no longer have any rights. Officials parked pending closure.

The CGIL is unable or unwilling to intervene because he can not admit that the sale agreement signed and paraded to the 4 winds as an outpost of civilization in terms of sales of the branch, does not actually provide protection to the employee.

They promptly signed a deal because it meant a guarantee of employment for 7 years, and this guarantee the union has had a remarkable return of image.

They claimed to have provided protection to workers hired in the job longer than envisaged by 'Article 2112 of the Civil Code in relation to supplies of insurance provides for the maintenance of those rights only for 2 years. In fact, documents recovered during the hearings, it was discovered that Vodafone already in ancient times from the sale, thinking the operation was talking to an agreement for the duration of the order of 7 years.

Then, the union has done nothing but to sign what the company had already decided long ago to allow workers with no negotiation and no effective safeguard clause ... you'd think it had agreed secretly to the benefit Image of a return on both sides?
In the course of events organized by the same Slc - CGIL, it has also sponsored during strikes, T-shirts and posters saying "mom sale", this means that the union had occurred the huge percentage of working mothers impacted by this operation without implementing any intervention to limit their scope. It must be pointed out that working mothers are women and not simply because the call center, unfortunately, the proportion of women is very high, different is the discourse of working mothers.
In particular, in Milan, in the pending action, working mothers have sought the intervention of the Regional Councillor for Equality who spoke in court with his two lawyers in its preliminary analysis also a recognition as strong evidence of discrimination nei confronti delle lavoratrici madri, molte delle quali erano appena rientrate in Vodafone dalla maternità e esternalizzate subito dopo. Nel suo ricorso dichiarò che in base ai dati in suo possesso, il numero delle lavoratrici madri in Vodafone, sul territorio di Milano, era fortemente diminuito dopo l’operazione di cessione.

La consigliera regionale, Sig.ra Maria Teresa Coppo Gavazzi é stata estromessa dal processo per un vizio di forma.

Nei giorni dell’intervento in giudizio della Consigliera, parliamo di Settembre-Ottobre 2009, Vodafone lancia e pubblicizza un progetto chiamato Monica che avrebbe la finalità di tutelare le neomamme e le mamme in attesa che si trovino in condizioni di difficoltà. La coincidence in time is outrageous.

activity for which they were assigned was removed immediately, and professionalism, much praised at the time of outsourcing, the new company does not know what to do, it was just a red herring used by managers to maintain calm among employees.

Employees have repeatedly requested the intervention of the Union asking him to do something before it was too late, before making the end of Wind, Eutelia, Telepost, etc etc etc ... but nothing was done.
I want to bring me an e-mail came from a transferred employee, the employee who sent me the information I have reported, want you to read for you to understand their state of mind and to ask you to give them a voice, do not leave them alone: \u200b\u200b
"Hello Helen, thanks for the hug-resistant ... I appreciate it, even all the work you are doing to help us give voice to our situation.

find points more about what you wrote. The fact that you have been taken charge of this situation and finally someone has had a lot of patience to write an article for real lies, fills us with joy and finally we no longer feel so alone.
Thanks again and if I ventured a bit 'too much excuse my vehemence, but the wounds that I carry around 3 years are difficult to get rid of. I was taken in Vodafone in 1996 almost up to the start of the new phone company called Omnitel and was competing to Tim. I worked hard, I gave my heart and soul that made you feel part of a large family, part of a project that had a beautiful motto: "what we do today, others will do so tomorrow." All rights
purchases over the years have been the result of hard work, a work of very young people who wanted to make great new company, in contrast to a monopoly. And then when the company has grown, when they arrived foreign shareholders, when the thought was just to earn more money ... .. we have driven the non-permanent contract was worth more. Perhaps it is difficult to understand the disappointment, but I was 25 years, an excellent job and I believed it. Today I just want justice, truth
thanks for what you do, a special thanks to you.
Sold "

Helene Benedetti


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